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Orlando shooting: attacker appeared to be self-radicalized, says Obama – live Orlando shooting: attacker appeared to be self-radicalized, says Obama – live
(35 minutes later)
5.24pm BST
Florida senator Bill Nelson has explained a bit more about what happened to the two FBI investigations into gunman Omar Mateen, in 2013 and 2014.
Mateen was first investigated in 2013 after he told co-workers that he knew the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon that spring. He was investigated in 2014 for making claims to communication with an American man who later became a suicide bomber in Syria.
Sen. Bill Nelson on conf. call: FBI closed two investigations into Mateen because "there was no prosecutable evidence."
FBI director James Comey is due to speak soon at a press conference at the agency’s headquarters.
Related: Pulse nightclub attack: questions over how suspect on FBI's radar could buy guns
5.14pm BST
Five wounded people “remain in grave condition”, the primary hospital of Orlando has just reported.
Orlando Health, the hospital that took in most of the 53 wounded people on Sunday, has just tweeted a detailed narrative of its response Sunday.
“We have had no patients die of their injuries since the initial nine who arrived Sunday morning,” the hospital wrote.
“Nine patients succumbed to their injuries; most arrived with no vital signs or profoundly ill. We had six trauma surgeons in the hospital and operating within one hour of the arrival of the first patient.”
“As of this time, six patients have been discharged and 29 patients remain in the hospital. We take care of a number of critically ill patients on a daily basis, but not to this extent. We usually see six gunshot wounds at a time.”
“A number of patients currently in our care remain critically ill & in shock. Five patients remain in grave condition.”
“We have experienced a huge outpouring of support. Local blood banks have over 600 units of blood on hand. Thank you, everyone.”
Earlier on Monday police clarified that 39 people were found dead inside the nightclub, nine people died after emergency staffers had reached them or were taking them to hospitals, and two bodies were found on the street outside the club.
Despite 6-hour wait, donors are hanging around waiting.
4.58pm BST
Obama: 'it's crazy that FBI are blocked gun alerts on watchlist'
Finally Obama talks at length about guns, and again says that their easy availability and terrorism are not mutually exclusive problems.
“It’s a challenge for law enforcement even to get, to get a word that somebody that they are watching has purchased a gun,” he says.
“And if they do get alerted sometimes it’s hard for them to stop it. It’s crazy. It’s a problem. And we have to, I think, do some soul searching.”
He adds that he is worried the country will descend into the same frozen debate about second amendment rights and terrorism. “The danger here is it ends up being the usual political debate, the NRA the gun control folks say that ‘oh, Obama doesn’t want to talk about terrorism.’ And if you talk about terrorism then people say, ‘why aren’t you talking about issues [of gun control].’”
“If we have self-radicalized individuals in this country, then they are going to be very difficult often times to find ahead of time,” he continues. “And how easy it is for them to obtain weapons is in some cases going to make a difference [as to whether] there are going to be attacks like this or not.
“And we make it very easy for individuals who are troubled or disturbed or want to engage in violent acts to obtain very powerful weapons, and quickly.
“It’s a problem regardless of motivation,” he concludes. “It’s a problem [when] a young man who walked into a church in South Carolina and murdered nine people who offered to pray with him. It’s a problem when an angry young man on a college campus decides to shoot people because he feels like he’s disrespected. It’s certainly a problem when you have organizations like Isil or al-Qaida trying to actively promote violence.”
4.52pm BST4.52pm BST
Obama once again offers his condolences and support for the victims and their families and loved ones.Obama once again offers his condolences and support for the victims and their families and loved ones.
He’s asked again about terrorism, and answers by saying that the question of guns and terror need to be taken on together.He’s asked again about terrorism, and answers by saying that the question of guns and terror need to be taken on together.
At the end of the day this is something that we are going to have to grapple with, making sure that even as we go after Isil and other extremist organizations overseas, even as we go after their leadership, and hit their infrastructure, take key personnel off the field, even as we disrupt external plots, [we have to confront] this kind of propaganda, and the perversions of Islam that we see generated on the internet, and the capacity of that to seep into the minds of troubled individuals.At the end of the day this is something that we are going to have to grapple with, making sure that even as we go after Isil and other extremist organizations overseas, even as we go after their leadership, and hit their infrastructure, take key personnel off the field, even as we disrupt external plots, [we have to confront] this kind of propaganda, and the perversions of Islam that we see generated on the internet, and the capacity of that to seep into the minds of troubled individuals.
“Countering this extremist ideology is increasingly important as disruptive more intensive plots,” he adds. He says that the Orlando shooting “appears to be similar to what we saw in San Bernardino, but we don’t yet know.”“Countering this extremist ideology is increasingly important as disruptive more intensive plots,” he adds. He says that the Orlando shooting “appears to be similar to what we saw in San Bernardino, but we don’t yet know.”
“We have to make sure it is not easy for someone who decides they want to harm people in this country to get weapons.”“We have to make sure it is not easy for someone who decides they want to harm people in this country to get weapons.”
He cautions that in the case of Omar Mateen, “we don’t yet know the motivations,” before drawing the link between jihadi ideology and homophobia and intolerance.He cautions that in the case of Omar Mateen, “we don’t yet know the motivations,” before drawing the link between jihadi ideology and homophobia and intolerance.
He says “radical nihilistic organizations” like Isil and al-Qaida “have perverted Islam” and target gay and lesbian people while also condoning slavery and rape of women.He says “radical nihilistic organizations” like Isil and al-Qaida “have perverted Islam” and target gay and lesbian people while also condoning slavery and rape of women.
“So there clearly are connections between the attitudes of an organization like this and their attitudes toward tolerance and pluralism and the belief that all people are treated equally regardless of sexual orientation.”“So there clearly are connections between the attitudes of an organization like this and their attitudes toward tolerance and pluralism and the belief that all people are treated equally regardless of sexual orientation.”
“I’m sure we will find that there are connections regardless of the particular motivations of this killer, there are connections between this vicious bankrupt ideology and general attitudes towards gays and lesbians. and unfortunately that is something that the LGBT community is subject to not just by Isil but by a lot of groups that purport to speak on behalf of God around the world.“I’m sure we will find that there are connections regardless of the particular motivations of this killer, there are connections between this vicious bankrupt ideology and general attitudes towards gays and lesbians. and unfortunately that is something that the LGBT community is subject to not just by Isil but by a lot of groups that purport to speak on behalf of God around the world.
4.42pm BST4.42pm BST
Obama: shooter appears to have self-radicalized on internetObama: shooter appears to have self-radicalized on internet
President Barack Obama has said that “it appears that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was being distributed on the internet.”President Barack Obama has said that “it appears that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was being distributed on the internet.”
Speaking from the White House, he says here is no clear evidence that the gunman, Omar Mateen, was directed through someone else and “no direct evidence that he was part of a larger plot”.Speaking from the White House, he says here is no clear evidence that the gunman, Omar Mateen, was directed through someone else and “no direct evidence that he was part of a larger plot”.
The FBI followed the “procedures that they were supposed to” in their handling of investigations in 2013 and 2014, he says, and the agency is now looking at all possible motivations of the killer.The FBI followed the “procedures that they were supposed to” in their handling of investigations in 2013 and 2014, he says, and the agency is now looking at all possible motivations of the killer.
Based on press conferences and interviews with Mateen’s ex-wife and father, motivations as varied as sympathies for jidhadi groups to homophobia to emotional disturbances are under consideration. Based on press conferences and interviews with Mateen’s ex-wife and father, motivations as varied as sympathies for jihadi groups to homophobia to emotional disturbances are under consideration.
“It does appear that he had in the last minute announced his allegiance to Isil but there is no evidence so far that this attack was directed,” he says.“It does appear that he had in the last minute announced his allegiance to Isil but there is no evidence so far that this attack was directed,” he says.
“It also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he did not have a criminal record which in some ways would prohibt him from purchasing those weapons,” the president continues. “It appears that one of those weapons he was just able to carry out of that store: an assault rifle, a handgun, a glock, which had a lot of clips in it, which he was apparently required to wait for three days.” “It also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he did not have a criminal record which in some ways would prohibit him from purchasing those weapons,” the president continues.
“It appears that one of those weapons he was just able to carry out of that store: an assault rifle, a handgun, a Glock, which had a lot of clips in it, which he was apparently required to wait for three days.”
“It was not difficult for him to obtain these kinds of weapons,” he says.“It was not difficult for him to obtain these kinds of weapons,” he says.
at 5.04pm BST
4.27pm BST4.27pm BST
Omar Mateen visited Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012 for two pilgrimages, Reuters reports, quoting Saudi Interior Ministry security spokesman Major General Mansour Turki.Omar Mateen visited Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012 for two pilgrimages, Reuters reports, quoting Saudi Interior Ministry security spokesman Major General Mansour Turki.
Turki told the news agency that Mateen performed the umrah Islamic pilgrimage for 10 days in March 2011, and eight days the following March.Turki told the news agency that Mateen performed the umrah Islamic pilgrimage for 10 days in March 2011, and eight days the following March.
The shooters in last year’s San Bernardino massacre, American Syed Farook and his Pakistani wife,Tashfeen Malik, had also travelled to Saudi Arabia in the years before they murdered 14 people last December.The shooters in last year’s San Bernardino massacre, American Syed Farook and his Pakistani wife,Tashfeen Malik, had also travelled to Saudi Arabia in the years before they murdered 14 people last December.
Related: San Bernardino shooters 'radicalized' long before the rampage, FBI saysRelated: San Bernardino shooters 'radicalized' long before the rampage, FBI says
4.10pm BST4.10pm BST
Three more victims have been identified by the city of Orlando, for a total of 36 of the 49 people killed.Three more victims have been identified by the city of Orlando, for a total of 36 of the 49 people killed.
3.51pm BST3.51pm BST
Spencer AckermanSpencer Ackerman
The FBI first investigated Omar Mateen, the gunman of the Orlando massacre, in 2013 after he falsely claimed he knew the Tsarnaev brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing that year, my colleague Spencer Ackerman reports.The FBI first investigated Omar Mateen, the gunman of the Orlando massacre, in 2013 after he falsely claimed he knew the Tsarnaev brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing that year, my colleague Spencer Ackerman reports.
Mateen told co-workers at the private-security firm employing him that he knew Tamerlan and Dhzokhar Tsarnaev, according to a source close to the investigation who requested anonymity.Mateen told co-workers at the private-security firm employing him that he knew Tamerlan and Dhzokhar Tsarnaev, according to a source close to the investigation who requested anonymity.
The FBI interviewed Mateen on two occasions in 2013. Ultimately, bureau investigators determined that Mateen had invented the connection and did not pose a security threat.The FBI interviewed Mateen on two occasions in 2013. Ultimately, bureau investigators determined that Mateen had invented the connection and did not pose a security threat.
The FBI confirmed Mateen’s false claim, but would not comment on the invented Tsarnaev connection.The FBI confirmed Mateen’s false claim, but would not comment on the invented Tsarnaev connection.
“I can confirm that the subject made allegations of terror ties that investigation proved to be unfounded, but I can’t comment on the specific association,” Matthew Berton, an FBI spokesman, told the Guardian.“I can confirm that the subject made allegations of terror ties that investigation proved to be unfounded, but I can’t comment on the specific association,” Matthew Berton, an FBI spokesman, told the Guardian.
Mateen was employed by the private security firm G4S and in 2013 worked as an armed security guard for a St Lucie, Florida courthouse. Mateen is believed to have voluntarily informed the company of his contact with the FBI. G4S continued to employ him, and his last role with the firm, active until his death on Sunday, was in an unarmed role, guarding a gated retirement community.Mateen was employed by the private security firm G4S and in 2013 worked as an armed security guard for a St Lucie, Florida courthouse. Mateen is believed to have voluntarily informed the company of his contact with the FBI. G4S continued to employ him, and his last role with the firm, active until his death on Sunday, was in an unarmed role, guarding a gated retirement community.
Some people close to the investigation consider Mateen’s unusual boast of terror ties to be relevant to understanding his motivations for attacking Pulse. The FBI investigation remains in its early stages, but his motive is the principal unsolved question.Some people close to the investigation consider Mateen’s unusual boast of terror ties to be relevant to understanding his motivations for attacking Pulse. The FBI investigation remains in its early stages, but his motive is the principal unsolved question.
The invented connection to a prior terrorist act has raised some doubts around the sincerity of his pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call on Sunday.The invented connection to a prior terrorist act has raised some doubts around the sincerity of his pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call on Sunday.
US officials preliminarily consider Mateen not to have had any ties to the jihadist group, making him a so-called lone wolf attacker – if, indeed, his motivation was to attack the US rather than violent homophobia or mental instability, as a co-worker and ex-wife have respectively suggested.US officials preliminarily consider Mateen not to have had any ties to the jihadist group, making him a so-called lone wolf attacker – if, indeed, his motivation was to attack the US rather than violent homophobia or mental instability, as a co-worker and ex-wife have respectively suggested.
Related: Orlando shooter investigated for false claim of ties to Boston Marathon bombersRelated: Orlando shooter investigated for false claim of ties to Boston Marathon bombers
3.28pm BST3.28pm BST
The radio station of terror group Islamic State has taken credit for the shooting in Orlando, but my colleague Jason Burke and the New York Times’ Rukmini Callimachi have each parsed the ways Isis claims responsibility for acts its members neither coordinated nor had any knowledge of.The radio station of terror group Islamic State has taken credit for the shooting in Orlando, but my colleague Jason Burke and the New York Times’ Rukmini Callimachi have each parsed the ways Isis claims responsibility for acts its members neither coordinated nor had any knowledge of.
Jason writes:Jason writes:
Isis also made it clear that the shooting had not been commissioned by senior commanders in the Middle East, as was the case with the Paris attacks in November. This suggests that Isis felt clearly that the fact that it was inspiring distant attackers was worth emphasising as a vindication of its ideology and strategy, as well to inspire greater fear among Americans.Isis also made it clear that the shooting had not been commissioned by senior commanders in the Middle East, as was the case with the Paris attacks in November. This suggests that Isis felt clearly that the fact that it was inspiring distant attackers was worth emphasising as a vindication of its ideology and strategy, as well to inspire greater fear among Americans.
On Sunday, a news agency associated with Isis also claimed the Orlando attack. A short statement said the operation had been carried out by an “Islamic State fighter”. This appears credible, but the brevity suggests that the group had no prior knowledge of the operation and that it was conducted by a “lone wolf”.On Sunday, a news agency associated with Isis also claimed the Orlando attack. A short statement said the operation had been carried out by an “Islamic State fighter”. This appears credible, but the brevity suggests that the group had no prior knowledge of the operation and that it was conducted by a “lone wolf”.
He adds that though Isis’ members have directed violence against gay people, the Pulse nightclub was the first venue targeted among bars, airports, concert halls and stadiums to be explicitly an LGBT-friendly place. More details may come with a transcript of Omar Mateen’s reported pledge to Isis – members of al-Qaida and Isis swear allegiance to a leader, not an organization; it’s not clear what exactly Mateen said to a 911 operator.He adds that though Isis’ members have directed violence against gay people, the Pulse nightclub was the first venue targeted among bars, airports, concert halls and stadiums to be explicitly an LGBT-friendly place. More details may come with a transcript of Omar Mateen’s reported pledge to Isis – members of al-Qaida and Isis swear allegiance to a leader, not an organization; it’s not clear what exactly Mateen said to a 911 operator.
The Times’ Callimachi wrote that Isis’ radio report on Monday described Mateen as “one of the soldiers of the Caliphate,” a term used for both fighters on battlegrounds abroad and for people who act in the group’s name, “even if they have no direct ties to the group”.The Times’ Callimachi wrote that Isis’ radio report on Monday described Mateen as “one of the soldiers of the Caliphate,” a term used for both fighters on battlegrounds abroad and for people who act in the group’s name, “even if they have no direct ties to the group”.
26. As early as 2014, ISIS explained that *anyone* could carry out an act of terror in their name. "Do not ask for permission," Adnani said26. As early as 2014, ISIS explained that *anyone* could carry out an act of terror in their name. "Do not ask for permission," Adnani said
“The sequence of events mirrors the manner in which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for other recent attacks,” she continued, citing the aftermath of last year’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by a married couple.“The sequence of events mirrors the manner in which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for other recent attacks,” she continued, citing the aftermath of last year’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by a married couple.
Then, as now, the first confirmation of the Islamic State’s role came in a bulletin issued by the Amaq News Agency, which acts as the terrorist group’s news agency. The language in the news release attempts to mimic the neutral terms used by international news outlets. …Then, as now, the first confirmation of the Islamic State’s role came in a bulletin issued by the Amaq News Agency, which acts as the terrorist group’s news agency. The language in the news release attempts to mimic the neutral terms used by international news outlets. …
In both cases, the initial release was followed by the formal Bayan bulletin, in which any pretense of neutrality fell away and the killers were described in religious terms, as “soldiers of the Caliphate.”In both cases, the initial release was followed by the formal Bayan bulletin, in which any pretense of neutrality fell away and the killers were described in religious terms, as “soldiers of the Caliphate.”
What ties Mateen had to any member of any terrorist group are not clear. The FBI investigated him in 2013 for “inflammatory remarks” and in 2014 for alleged communications with a man who later became the first Isis suicide bomber of American citizenship.What ties Mateen had to any member of any terrorist group are not clear. The FBI investigated him in 2013 for “inflammatory remarks” and in 2014 for alleged communications with a man who later became the first Isis suicide bomber of American citizenship.
Related: Was Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen directed by Isis?Related: Was Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen directed by Isis?
2.59pm BST2.59pm BST
Orlando names 33 victimsOrlando names 33 victims
Thirty-three of the 49 victims of Sunday’s shooting have now been publicly named.Thirty-three of the 49 victims of Sunday’s shooting have now been publicly named.
The youngest was 19 years old, the oldest 50: they included a pharmacist, an employee of nearby Harry Potter World, a nursing student, the club’s bouncer, and dozens of sons, daughters, friends and partners.The youngest was 19 years old, the oldest 50: they included a pharmacist, an employee of nearby Harry Potter World, a nursing student, the club’s bouncer, and dozens of sons, daughters, friends and partners.
@CaitlinDineen Shane...a beautiful person who's smile lights up a room Shane...a beautiful person who's smile lights up a room
Related: Orlando victims: travel agent, brand manager and technician among the deadRelated: Orlando victims: travel agent, brand manager and technician among the dead
at 4.12pm BSTat 4.12pm BST
2.38pm BST2.38pm BST
The city of Orlando has released the names of several more victims killed – the youngest victim of the shooting was a teenager.The city of Orlando has released the names of several more victims killed – the youngest victim of the shooting was a teenager.
Four additional Pulse Nightclub shooting confirmed victims. For a complete list, visit additional Pulse Nightclub shooting confirmed victims. For a complete list, visit
3 additional Pulse Nightclub shooting victims confirmed: Luis Daniel Conde, 39;Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33;Juan Chevez-Martinez, 253 additional Pulse Nightclub shooting victims confirmed: Luis Daniel Conde, 39;Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33;Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
at 2.40pm BSTat 2.40pm BST
2.26pm BST2.26pm BST
Readers have been sharing photographs from around the world of tributes to the Orlando victims, and my colleagues in London are helping curate images of the memorials.Readers have been sharing photographs from around the world of tributes to the Orlando victims, and my colleagues in London are helping curate images of the memorials.
If you have any photos of vigils and tributes you’d like to share you can do so by clicking on the “Contribute” button in the live blog.If you have any photos of vigils and tributes you’d like to share you can do so by clicking on the “Contribute” button in the live blog.
In New York, the historic Stonewall Inn, where the gay rights movement began in the US, has been transformed into a monument to the victims of Orlando.In New York, the historic Stonewall Inn, where the gay rights movement began in the US, has been transformed into a monument to the victims of Orlando.
"You can take my life but you won't stop our voice," sign at Stonewall Vigil says."You can take my life but you won't stop our voice," sign at Stonewall Vigil says.
2.04pm BST2.04pm BST
What we knowWhat we know
A summary of the latest police and FBI briefing on the investigation into the worst mass shooting in American history, perpetrated at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in the early hours of Sunday morning.A summary of the latest police and FBI briefing on the investigation into the worst mass shooting in American history, perpetrated at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Also from Monday morning:Also from Monday morning:
at 2.09pm BSTat 2.09pm BST
1.40pm BST1.40pm BST
The Republican presumptive nominee for president, Donald Trump, has made three media appearances this morning to discuss Orlando.The Republican presumptive nominee for president, Donald Trump, has made three media appearances this morning to discuss Orlando.
He first appeared on a Fox program, Fox and Friends, where he said: “I’m getting thousands of letters and tweets that I was right about the whole situation.”He first appeared on a Fox program, Fox and Friends, where he said: “I’m getting thousands of letters and tweets that I was right about the whole situation.”
“I’ve been right about a lot of things,” he added. “I’m calling for strength. I’m calling for intelligence.”“I’ve been right about a lot of things,” he added. “I’m calling for strength. I’m calling for intelligence.”
He was not specific about what he was “right about” or how “strength” and “intelligence” would prevent mass shootings by US citizens who legally purchased weapons.He was not specific about what he was “right about” or how “strength” and “intelligence” would prevent mass shootings by US citizens who legally purchased weapons.
He insisted that the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, won’t say “radical Islam” because “she’s afraid to mention it because her boss will be angry at her.”He insisted that the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, won’t say “radical Islam” because “she’s afraid to mention it because her boss will be angry at her.”
Clinton appeared on CNN on Monday and said: “to me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing.”Clinton appeared on CNN on Monday and said: “to me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing.”
“I’m not going to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion,” she added. “That’s just plain dangerous and it plays into the hands of Isis.”“I’m not going to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion,” she added. “That’s just plain dangerous and it plays into the hands of Isis.”
On the ABC program Good Morning America, Trump said there should be “a ban on people coming in from Syria”.On the ABC program Good Morning America, Trump said there should be “a ban on people coming in from Syria”.
The host reminded him the gunman was a US citizen who is believed to have spent his entire life in New York and Florida. Trump continued talking about non-US citizens.The host reminded him the gunman was a US citizen who is believed to have spent his entire life in New York and Florida. Trump continued talking about non-US citizens.
Finally Trump appeared on CNN with a new plan: “we need much better intelligence gathering information.”Finally Trump appeared on CNN with a new plan: “we need much better intelligence gathering information.”
“We need intelligence gathering centers,” he said, saying that “people in the area, the people in the neighborhood, they knew there’s something off with him.”“We need intelligence gathering centers,” he said, saying that “people in the area, the people in the neighborhood, they knew there’s something off with him.”
He proposed surveillance of mosques and Muslim communities.He proposed surveillance of mosques and Muslim communities.
“There are people living in the United States with the same kind of hate in their heart as he had,” he added. He notes an argument raised by Clinton: “in this case [Mateen] was licensed, which is kind of an amazing thing.”“There are people living in the United States with the same kind of hate in their heart as he had,” he added. He notes an argument raised by Clinton: “in this case [Mateen] was licensed, which is kind of an amazing thing.”
Republicans blocked a plan to prohibit gun purchases to people on the FBI watchlist last year. Trump does not mention this. “If you had guns in that room, even if you had a number of people strapped to their ankle, strapped to their waist,” he said, “you wouldn’t have had the tragedy.”Republicans blocked a plan to prohibit gun purchases to people on the FBI watchlist last year. Trump does not mention this. “If you had guns in that room, even if you had a number of people strapped to their ankle, strapped to their waist,” he said, “you wouldn’t have had the tragedy.”
He ignored the CNN host’s note that an armed police officer returned fire on the gunman immediately after the shooting began.He ignored the CNN host’s note that an armed police officer returned fire on the gunman immediately after the shooting began.
1.21pm BST1.21pm BST
The presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Hillary Clinton, criticized Florida’s gun laws and spoke about the potential links between Isis and the gunmen, in a Monday morning interview with CNN.The presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Hillary Clinton, criticized Florida’s gun laws and spoke about the potential links between Isis and the gunmen, in a Monday morning interview with CNN.
“Isis appears to be claiming credit for it whether it seem [that they actually] had anything to do with it or not they appear to [have inspired it],” Clinton said.“Isis appears to be claiming credit for it whether it seem [that they actually] had anything to do with it or not they appear to [have inspired it],” Clinton said.
She was asked about whether she would call this “radical Islamic terrorism”.She was asked about whether she would call this “radical Islamic terrorism”.
“From my perspective it matters what we do, not what we say,” she says. “I have clearly said we face terrorist enemies who use Islam [to justify violence], whether you call it radical jihadism, radical Islamism.”“From my perspective it matters what we do, not what we say,” she says. “I have clearly said we face terrorist enemies who use Islam [to justify violence], whether you call it radical jihadism, radical Islamism.”
On Sunday night, her challenger for the presidency, Donald Trump, said Clinton should exit the race if she refused to say “radical Islam”. He also said Barack Obama should step down from the presidency if he would not use the phrase.On Sunday night, her challenger for the presidency, Donald Trump, said Clinton should exit the race if she refused to say “radical Islam”. He also said Barack Obama should step down from the presidency if he would not use the phrase.
“What I won’t do, because I think it is dangerous in our efforts to defeat this threat, is to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion,” Clinton said. “That plays right into Isis’ hands.”“What I won’t do, because I think it is dangerous in our efforts to defeat this threat, is to demonize and demagogue and declare war on an entire religion,” Clinton said. “That plays right into Isis’ hands.”
“We also want to reach out to the vast majority of American Muslims and Muslims around this world to help us defeat this threat which is so evil and has got to be denounced by everyone regardless of religion,” Clinton said.“We also want to reach out to the vast majority of American Muslims and Muslims around this world to help us defeat this threat which is so evil and has got to be denounced by everyone regardless of religion,” Clinton said.
She then noted that Florida has some of the most lax gun laws in the nation. The state does not regulate assault weapons or high-capacity magazines, does not require a permit to get a gun, and does not require gun owners be licensed. It also has weak background check rules.She then noted that Florida has some of the most lax gun laws in the nation. The state does not regulate assault weapons or high-capacity magazines, does not require a permit to get a gun, and does not require gun owners be licensed. It also has weak background check rules.
“Common sense gun safety” measures, she said, “would at least make a difference.”“Common sense gun safety” measures, she said, “would at least make a difference.”
“We did have an assault weapons ban for 10 years and I think it should be reinstated.”“We did have an assault weapons ban for 10 years and I think it should be reinstated.”
at 1.41pm BSTat 1.41pm BST