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Orlando gay club shooter declared allegiance to ISIS – US congressman citing local police Orlando gay club shooter declared allegiance to ISIS – US congressman citing local police
(35 minutes later)
Omar Mateen, the man suspected of taking 50 lives in an Orlando gay nightclub, had sworn his allegiance to ISIS, US Congressman Adam Schiff said citing local law enforcement. He stressed that legitimatacy of the connection is still being investigated. Omar Mateen, the man suspected of taking 50 lives in an Orlando gay club, is believed to have sworn allegiance to ISIS, US Congressman Adam Schiff said citing local law enforcement. He stressed the legitimacy of the connection is still being investigated.
"The fact that this shooting took place during Ramadan and that ISIS leadership in Raqqa has been urging attacks during this time, that the target was an LGBT night club during Pride, and - if accurate - that according to local law enforcement the shooter declared his allegiance to ISIS, indicates an ISIS-inspired act of terrorism," Representative Adam Schiff said in a statement."The fact that this shooting took place during Ramadan and that ISIS leadership in Raqqa has been urging attacks during this time, that the target was an LGBT night club during Pride, and - if accurate - that according to local law enforcement the shooter declared his allegiance to ISIS, indicates an ISIS-inspired act of terrorism," Representative Adam Schiff said in a statement.
There is no immediate evidence proving any connection between the Orlando shooting and Islamic State or any other foreign extremist organization, US officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity.