Credit crunch and toast in papers Version 0 of 1. The Observer accuses banks of arrogance and complacency over the credit crunch. It argues that while the government has little choice but to bail them out, banks should be more sympathetic to customers who default on their debts. The paper also claims the government is to urge banks to give cash-strapped mortgage holders a payment holiday. It says the chancellor will suggest allowing those in arrears to sell their houses back to lenders, but continue to live on as tenants. John Prescott's bulimia The nation's debt is also at the top of the agenda for the Sunday Telegraph. Prices have apparently dropped by as much as 70% for some goods. The paper says this shows tight credit conditions have led to gloom for retailers. The Sunday Times prints extracts of former deputy prime minister John Prescott's diaries where he admits to suffering from bulimia nervosa. He describes how when he finally sought help, he arrived at the consultants, to find himself surrounded by young women. Sexual 'prying' The Mail on Sunday reports that government inspectors are poised to pry into the nation's sexual habits. The paper urges its readers to tell the census-takers to go away, arguing that Whitehall can't be trusted to keep people's information secure. The Sunday Times fears an EU directive on noise could mean bagpipes across the country being told to pipe down. According to the paper Brussels is telling pipers to either play more quietly or wear earplugs. Toast for peace A source tells the Sunday Mirror the shambolic opening of Terminal 5 at Heathrow has "sealed the fate" of BAA, because of all the chaos it has caused. While the Sunday Express looks at a novel way of preventing Saturday nights on the town descending into violence. Apparently police in Blackburn in Lancashire have been giving out hot buttered toast outside nightclubs. A local police officer tells the paper that people don't want to fight because they don't want to drop their toast. |