ISIS ‘Mad Max’ suicide truck seized before detonation (VIDEO)

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A ‘Mad Max-style’ armored pickup truck, modified to cause more carnage on the streets of Syria, has been seized from Islamic State.

Understood to have been filmed in November 2015 but released only on Wednesday, the video shows close-up shots of the vehicle, which Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) planned to use in an attack in Syria.

As the camera pans around the pickup truck, the effort the terrorist group has put into making the vehicle as sturdy as possible becomes clear, with panels attached along the front.

Four barrels are seen lined up in the back of the truck along with spiked wheels on the sides, no doubt, specially designed to help the terrorists cause maximum damage.

If the car bomb attack had been carried out, it seems likely there would have been many victims.

READ MORE: UN ‘concerned’ for refugees as Mad Max-style train seals Hungary-Serbia border (VIDEO)

The latest incident is not the first time a Mad Max-style car was captured on camera either. A ‘decked out’ IS truck was blown up by an anti-tank missile launched by Western forces in Syria last month.