Arrests at nuclear base protest

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Seven anti-nuclear protesters have been arrested for breach of the peace as campaigners from Wales joined a protest at Faslane naval base in Scotland.

The base on the Clyde is home to the UK's Trident nuclear submarine fleet.

Campaigners from Cardiff, Bangor and Colwyn Bay travelled for a 72-hour Draig Goch (Welsh Dragon) protest as part of an ongoing campaign.

A Ministry of Defence (MOD) spokesman said no decision on any replacement for Trident had been made.

Strathclyde Police confirmed that seven people were arrested this morning for alleged breach of the peace


CND Cymru said four arrests involved campaigners from Wales.

The Bishop of Bangor, the Rt Rev Anthony Crockett, was present to wave off 30 campaigners from Bangor.

"I'm very glad to be able to offer my support to the group," said the Rt Rev Crockett.

He said that the possibility that £24 billion would be spent on replacing Trident was "not only a terrible waste of our resources" but the spread of nuclear weapons was "one of the greatest threats to the safety and peace of the world".

Protesters left Bangor and other places in Wales at the weekend

The bishops of the Church-in-Wales have already expressed their concerns, with the support of their governing body.

"I personally want to praise the tenacity of the peace protesters and support them in their commitment to peace," added the bishop.

Campaigners started a year-long series of civil resistance to Britain's nuclear weapons programme.

The Trident missile system and the Vanguard submarines which carry them need replacing by 2024 and a decision is set to be taken in the next year.

A MOD spokesman said a White Paper would be published around the end of the year, followed by a debate and vote in Parliament.

"We remain committed to achieving a world in which there is no place for nuclear weapons and when we are satisfied with progress towards this goal will put our nuclear weapons into the negotiations," he said.

"But nuclear disarmament must be undertaken through a process of international negotiation and no timetable for such negotiations has yet been agreed."

The spokesman said no decision on any replacement for Trident has been made and officials were now "assessing future risks and threats and options" to prepare for the decision.