Labour losing ground to Ukip over EU migrants

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Nigel Farage is right that understandable concern about our inability to control the number of EU migrants coming into the UK is the reason Ukip has soared and that David Cameron was forced into having an EU referendum (Saturday interview, 21 May). If only the Labour In for Britain campaign were as attuned to public concerns. As a Remain supporter, but one who wants to see a Europe that is more responsive to the democratic will of its peoples, I despair at Labour’s attitude to migration, particularly Jeremy Corbyn’s utterances, which are likely to drive Labour supporters to vote Brexit. His denial that European immigrants are putting pressure on social housing or NHS waiting lists and his assertion that we must increase spending to accommodate immigration go against common sense. People aren’t stupid, most know that migrants aren’t the cause of such social shortfalls, but they do understand that more large-scale immigration will make it much harder to tackle these problems, and they want something done about it.

To see off Brexit, Labour needs to recognise that border controls for people across Europe is what is desired by the majority and to make clear that it will work with its European allies to start a debate on how to bring this about. If not, Labour voters outside London will continue listening to Ukip and are likely to vote in their droves to leave.Colin HinesEast Twickenham, Middlesex

• How is it that vile propaganda against immigrants, such as that cited in Decca Aitkenhead’s interview with Nigel Farage, is not subject to prosecution under the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006? The tabloids spewing forth fear and resentment of immigrants should be scrutinised too. We allow this at our peril, as Germany in the 1930s discovered too late.Richard GilesTynemouth

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