Bill Clinton, Economy Czar?

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BILLINGS, Mont. — On a warm Friday night, Montana Democrats filed into a middle school gym for a Hillary Clinton rally that was all Bill and no Hillary.

Mrs. Clinton was never on the marquee for this one. Montana, South Dakota and North Dakota all vote on June 7, the last big Tuesday on the presidential primary calendar that includes the critical state of California, with many times more Democratic delegates than all three Western states put together. So it was that Mrs. Clinton dispatched her husband to traverse the Great Plains, speaking at rallies in Sioux Falls, S.D., Fargo, N.D., and Billings.

Mr. Clinton’s solo appearance gave a glimpse of how he might approach the job his wife has proposed for him if she wins — that of an in-house jobs czar “in charge of revitalizing the economy.” It also inspired discussion among voters here about whether her promise of two smart Clintons for the price of one was smart or foolish. A similar promise from Mr. Clinton in 1992 elevated Hillary and seemed a nod to gender equality. But to women in Billings, Mrs. Clinton’s two-for-one offer seemed to diminish her.

The economy fuels voter anger like no other issue. Last week, Bernie Sanders’s rally here drew some 2,000 people, and Donald Trump’s rally on Thursday will most likely draw many more. On Friday, however, the Will James Middle School gym was half-full. A few hundred faithful, mostly women, were elated to see an old friend, but not at all sure that he should play a role in the White House.

“I like that he’s helping her. But it’s her show now,” said Becky Swan, a retired UPS driver who was handing out Clinton signs in the school parking lot. “I like her economic ideas,” she said.

Inger Curtis had brought her 12-year-old daughter, Kendra, and a classmate, Annalie Whitney, to the rally. “I think it’s great that Bill is supporting his wife,” she said. But a policy job? No. I don’t think that would be the best, having him pulled back into the fray. We need fresh blood.”

Pete Timm, a retiree in line ahead of Ms. Curtis, interrupted. “With his charisma and the appeal he has among minorities, he is gonna help Hillary tremendously, kicking butt.”

Mr. Timm’s wife, Carol, demurred. “I don’t mind if he helps with the economy, but certainly not as the head of anything. Just with a bit of advice.”

Mr. Clinton’s presentation did little to ease such disquiet. It focused on economic ideas, and while he carefully prefaced his prescriptions with “Hillary says,” “Hillary proposes” or “Hillary’s deal is,” he made clear that he is and will be the half of the partnership focused on jobs, wages and investment, and with restoring the good times of the first Clinton administration.

He suggested further that as the campaign unfolds he’ll be smoothing ruffled feelings among struggling voters, like those who objected to Mrs. Clinton’s recent comment that her clean-energy policies would put “a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business.”

“That’s what Hillary asked me to work on, to go to the areas that are left out, left behind and overlooked,” he said. “And in West Virginia, she sent me down there to places where they don’t like Democrats because they think we’re trying to put them out of business because we want to do something about climate change.”

“And I told them, I said, you can be mad if you want, because Hillary told you the truth. But here’s what she wanted me to tell you. Whoever you vote for, she’s not gonna leave you behind.”

After his speech, Mr. Clinton signed autographs, posed for selfies and engaged in extended banter. As his fans filed out, Melissa Smith, a volunteer in both of Mrs. Clinton’s campaigns, said she thought Mr. Clinton would be “ fabulous” at whatever he did.

“But I’m voting for Hillary. Bill is just a bonus.”