Cartoons protester faces retrial

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A man who called for the killing of British troops is to be retried on a charge of inciting murder.

Mizanur Rahman, of Palmers Green, north London, was arrested after a protest at the Danish Embassy over cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

The cartoons had been published in a number of European newspapers.

He was convicted of stirring up racial hatred at the Old Bailey last week, but jurors were unable to agree on a charge of inciting murder.

Web designer Rahman, who had denied both charges, was remanded in custody while the prosecution decided whether there should be a retrial over that charge.

The Crown Prosecution Service has now said it wanted to go ahead with a retrial, which is expected to take place in January.

Protest chants

The 23-year-old was arrested after a rally in London on 3 February which was attended by some 300 Muslims.

Prosecutors claim Rahman urged another 9/11 in Europe

Prosecutors at his original trial alleged that during the protest, Rahman had called for British and American troops to be brought back in body bags.

The prosecution at the Old Bailey added that he had also called for more 9/11-style attacks.

In his defence Rahman said he had no intention of anyone carrying out the actions he called for, saying he had become carried away and was only repeating chants made by other marchers during the protest.