Hillary Clinton: Husband Bill can 'revitalise economy'


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The Democratic frontrunner in the race for the White House, Hillary Clinton, says she will enlist her husband Bill to revitalise the economy.

She has previously hinted that the former president would "have to come out of retirement" if she won.

Outlining her plans at a campaign rally in southern state of Kentucky, she pointed out the economic success of Bill Clinton's presidency.

Kentucky will vote in a Democratic primary on Tuesday, along with Oregon.

Campaigning at a rally ahead of the primary, Ms Clinton made her case why she thought he could help.

"My husband I'm going to put in charge of revitalising the economy because, you know, he knows how to do it," she told the crowd.

"And especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out."

She also emphasised her commitment to supporting workers in the coal industry, after comments she made in another coal state, West Virginia, went down very badly.

Hinting at bad times ahead for the coal mines alienated many workers in that state and cost her votes in the West Virginia primary.

But on Sunday she said "We can't and we must not walk away from them. I feel such a sense of obligation."

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Hillary Clinton hopes to earn a convincing victory over her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, having lost West Virginia to Mr Sanders last week.

She has a significant lead over Mr Sanders of nearly 300 pledged delegates but would like a decisive win in order to enable her to focus on beating her Republican rival, Donald Trump.

Mrs Clinton had expressed her views on her husband's economic prowess earlier this month.

"He's got more ideas a minute than anybody I know," she said.

Mr Clinton presided over the longest economic boom in US history, with growth averaging 4% a year and a budget surplus when he left office in 2000.

Key primaries to come