German readers say Johnson's EU-Hitler comments are just 'British hysteria'

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For Boris Johnson the EU and Hitler have more in common than not. Remarks more likely to be associated with Ukip’s Nigel Farage, Johnson has been criticised for likening the Nazi dictator’s desire for a Herrenrasse (master race) to Europe’s one for union. Following his comments we asked you what you made of the comparison. Here’s what you said.

‘Silly things said by a silly man’

To be honest I really don’t care what BoJo says. What I care for is Europe. And what Mr Johnson said stands in the long tradition of silly things said by a silly man in a serious matter. I’d love to see things regarding Britain’s remaining in the EU discussed in a serious way. But that train has left the station.

Frank Mueller, Cologne

‘His comments endanger the idea of a peaceful Europe’

I am shocked. His views and statements are terribly dangerous. He should know what comprisons with Hitler provoke. Johnson himself may have been a popular mayor but he has turned out to be a populist who endangers the idea of a peaceful Europe, where EU citizens can travel freely and chose where they want to live and work. The Germans, especially young Germans, fear that the British will say ‘yes’ to Brexit. Please stay in the EU and help us to improve it for the next generations.

Anonymous, Frankfurt

‘An EU without the British humour would be quite boring to live in’

I am not offended, of course. I consider this remark a symptom of the British hysteria regarding the EU. As far as I know the EU has no plans to attack neighbouring countries and create a dictatorship supposed to last a thousand years. But then, never miss an opportunity for a good joke. An EU without the British humour would be quite boring to live in. We need you, so keep us company for a while longer.

Daniela Pogade, Berlin

‘Such slurs will continue to poison German-British relations’

What the anti-EU Brits don’t understand is how offensive this is to all Germans and, particularly, to those who are fans of the UK. That such comments are not universally condemned is beyond comprehension here. The EU was established to secure longlasting peace in Europe and this has been achieved with the result that my kids don’t have to go to war. Even if the vote is to remain such slurs and insults from Little Engländers such as Boris Johnson will be remembered and will continue to poison German-British relations.

Anonymous, Munich

‘His attitude insults Churchill and the victims of Hitler’

Johnson’s comments reveal his unwillingness, maybe inability, to judge history. His comment is insulting to the victims of Hitler’s rule and insulting to the Europeans who brought the peoples of the continent together after the devastation. His attitude insults Churchill who helped to pave the way for continuous development of democracy which has embraced countries once dominated by another tyrant.

Wolfgang Jabs, Newport-on-Tay, Scotland

‘A European Union is only the first step towards a United States of planet Earth’

I understand that Great Britain was always far from even considering becoming the founding state of an empire. A comparison to Hitler often turns out to be like cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. I think in modern times with globalisation and interconnections between people everywhere it is a necessity to build political structures that are in control, a European Union is only the first step towards a United States of planet Earth. This kind of political structure needs to be democratic and shouldn’t be controlled by nations’ governments. Insofar the EU needs to be developed further, but it’s no excuse to try to go back in time.

Oliver T, Hamburg

‘He has no idea what Hitler and facism mean’

The comparison is grotesque, that goes without saying. Hitler stands for more that 8 million dead people - murdered, butchered and tortured ... I know that there are many people in the UK who like to use the name Hitler as a metaphor for ideas which they strongly dislike. But I think by doing that you victimise the victims a second time. The horrors of the concentration camps, the horrors of war, particularly in Russia must not be used in everyday political rhetoric. When a politician does that they just show that they have no idea what Hitler and fascism mean.

Ursula, Munich

‘The EU is the opposite of Hitler’s plan’

Hugely offensive. The European project is the exact opposite of Hitler’s plan for Europe (he did not even envisage a ‘Europe’, it was just Germany). To liken Merkel’s government to anything remotely fascist is simply misinformed. The majority of the German population are integrating refugees successfully, whilst the opposition has the freedom to speak out, but are along with the Brexit campaign losing the racist battle as too many of us have learnt from Third Reich history. Boris, you are now not only the awkward neighbour but also the one that keeps forgetting to take the trash out until it piles up in your front yard.

Larissa Sterchi, Edinburgh

‘The reference to Hitler just derails debates’

There is nothing offensive about this. The Hitler comparison is obviously hyperbole and the analogies are only superficial. It is not a small detail whether a unified Europe is created under force and duress of a Herrenrasse, or freely and peacefully by the peoples of Europe. What generally bothers me is how the ‘Hitler’ meme as the ultimate evil, and it clearly was the ultimate evil, often derails debates.

Anonymous, Austria

‘I’m not offended but I feel appalled’

The ‘comparison-to-Hitler’ card always gets drawn when no real arguments for one’s side are left. It just shows how low the person using the comparison has sunk. Do I feel offended? No. I know of our history and no political power in the EU is trying to do any of the atrocious things that were done by Hitler and his followers. What do I feel? I feel appalled by this lowest of low comments and disregard for history and the victims of WW2.

Patrik B, Gütersloh

‘We should focus on the thoughts behind this rowdiness’

So another little man somewhere in the world thought it would further his agenda to throw the big evil name into the conversation. So what? I think it’s best to treat that as the crude rhetoric that it is and focus on the thoughts behind this rowdiness. Many Brits seem to remain caught in WW2 images of the world (and their significance in it), while the rest of the world has moved on. It’s time to face reality!

Julia Eggers, Hamburg