House destroyed in malicious fire

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One house has been destroyed and two others badly damaged in a fire which was started deliberately in west Belfast, police have said.

A dog kennel at the back of a house was set alight at about midnight in Summerhill Drive, Twinbrook.

The fire then spread to an oil tank. A man managed to flee his home moments before the tank ruptured and flames engulfed the back of his house.

There have been no reports of any injuries in the fire.

Kevin O'Neill from the Fire and Rescue Service said containing the blaze was a "challenging operation".

"There were gas cylinders involved, there was heating oil freely flowing and alight. There were people involved. It was a serious fire," he said.

"My crews managed to contain the fire and stop it escalating."

Police believe the fire was started maliciously and have appealed for information.

Sinn Fein councillor Jennifer McCann said: "People in the Twinbrook area are angered at this type of unacceptable and unwanted behaviour.

"It was only through luck that people were not seriously injured or killed in this senseless attack."

SDLP councillor Brian Heading said the fire could have been much more serious.

"It is extremely fortunate that there were no serious injuries or worse during what seems to have been an extensive fire," he said.

"It will obviously have been a very shocking and frightening experience for the residents of the three houses."