Cameron faces Brexit grilling by House of Commons committee
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Cameron faces Brexit grilling by House of Commons committee
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(35 minutes later)
British Prime Minister David Cameron will appear in front of the House of Commons Liaison Committee to face questions over the upcoming Brexit referendum on June 23 which determines if Britain will remain in the EU.
British Prime Minister David Cameron appears before House of Commons Liaison Committee to face questions over the upcoming Brexit referendum on June 23 which determines if Britain will remain in the EU.
Cameron, who is a staunch supporter of the Remain campaign, has downplayed accusations from the ‘Brexiters’ that Britain has no control of its borders and faces a financial crisis if it remains with the EU.
He faces questions a day after a poll by ICM put the anti-EU side just one point ahead of those who want to stay in, 45 percent versus 44.
He faces questions a day after a poll by ICM put the anti-EU side just one point ahead of those who want to stay in, 45 percent versus 44.
RT will be following the session live from 4:30 p.m. London time.
Committee chair Andrew Tyrie said: "The Liaison Committee is a good forum for calm and rational debate, and that's what the public is demanding. The prime minister is uniquely well placed to give evidence. The decision to call the referendum was his. He led the renegotiations. So it is his views and explanations that matter most, and are most worthy of careful scrutiny.”
The Tory MP added that the prime minister’s commitment to appear before the Liaison Committee three times a year “is holding himself to a higher standard of accountability than his predecessors."