Obama and War Powers


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To the Editor:

Re “Obama’s Last Chance to End the ‘Forever War’ ” (Op-Ed, April 27):

Jennifer Daskal is right that President Obama should do more to urge Congress to authorize the use of force against ISIS with appropriate limits.

But Mr. Obama need not break through the gridlock in Congress to avoid leaving an undefined “forever war” as his legacy. He can and should act now, independently, by signing an order that defines the boundaries of the current wars against various terror groups.

Defining these boundaries is imperative for protecting human rights and successfully fighting terrorism. In war, governments claim the extraordinary power to kill as a first resort and detain individuals without charge or trial.

Invoking this power outside of war threatens basic human rights, and undermines the United States’ ability to hinder terrorist recruitment and build broad coalitions to defeat terrorist groups.

President Obama shouldn’t wait for Congress to ensure that he leaves behind clearly defined war authorities that bolster national security and protect human rights.


Director, National Security Advocacy

Human Rights First
