Why Mayor de Blasio Is Facing So Many Investigations


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Since the Office of the Mayor of New York was established in 1665, many of the 109 men who have served in that post have attracted their share of scrutiny from commissions, constables and prosecutors.

But historians have been hard-pressed to find a mayor who, along with his administration and inner circle, was ever the subject of as many simultaneous investigations — conducted by as many different agencies — as Mayor Bill de Blasio now faces.

“I can’t recall any other sort of perfect storm like this, coming from all those different angles,” said Daniel Czitrom, a professor of history at Mount Holyoke College and the author of “New York Exposed: The Gilded Age Police Scandal That Launched the Progressive Era.”

In recent weeks, no fewer than five separate inquiries — involving at least six different federal, state and local law enforcement and regulatory agencies — have come to light. Four of these investigations are focused on possible violations of criminal law.

At the heart of each of the five inquiries is money — in most cases, fund-raising linked to the mayor, his election campaign or a nonprofit group connected with him.

Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat elected in 2013, has made no secret of his attempts to raise significant sums to bolster his agenda through that group, the Campaign for One New York, and through an effort in 2014 to wrest control of the State Senate from the Republicans by supporting several Democratic candidates. Donors to the mayor’s political endeavors include major unions and real estate developers, and many of them have business before the city.

It is not clear how direct a role, if any, the mayor played in some of these matters. The inquiries that seem closest to him focus on two issues: the effort to help Senate Democrats, and the relationship he had with Nyclass, an animal-rights group that spent heavily in the 2013 mayoral race against Mr. de Blasio’s chief rival, Christine C. Quinn.

Two of the main backers of that effort, Steven Nislick and Wendy Neu, have contributed to Mr. de Blasio’s nonprofit. Ms. Neu has given at least $75,000 and Mr. Nislick $50,000.

Nyclass has been the main backer of a proposal to remove horses from city streets, an idea that Mr. de Blasio has so far failed to achieve despite promises that he would tackle the issue on the first day of his administration.

Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney, in conjunction with federal authorities, is investigating whether Mr. de Blasio, or those acting with him, violated state election law in an effort to raise money to buttress three Democrats running for the State Senate in 2014.

In that case, investigators are examining whether donations to the candidates were funneled through county party committees to evade contribution limits, a violation of state law and a possible felony.

But the biggest scandal thus far has centered on gifts and trips that senior police officials may have received from two men who raised money for the mayor: Jona S. Rechnitz, a real estate developer, and Jeremiah Reichberg, a businessman and police enthusiast in Borough Park, Brooklyn, who hosted a fund-raiser at his home for Mr. de Blasio in 2014.

The possible crime that is being investigated by Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, is whether political contributions by those two men were given in exchange for some unknown municipal benefit. So far, the authorities have not signaled what favorable city action, if any, was secured by the donations.

Two peripheral figures in the sprawling investigations have been arrested: Hamlet Peralta, a Harlem restaurateur accused of operating a Ponzi scheme and misappropriating more than $12 million from investors, who included Mr. Rechnitz and Mr. Reichberg; and Alex Lichtenstein, a Borough Park man accused of offering bribes to police officials in exchange for handgun permits.

Both arrests were linked to the federal inquiry.

Some senior police officials have been transferred or put on modified duty as a result of the investigation of Mr. Rechnitz and Mr. Reichberg. But so far, no members of the de Blasio administration or his fund-raising apparatus have been charged with or accused of a crime in connection with the inquiries.

In March, the mayor announced that the Campaign for One New York had stopped raising and spending money and would be shutting down. He said that the action was not connected to any inquiry, and that the group’s “work is done.”

Mr. de Blasio’s efforts to get Democrats elected to the State Senate also backfired. Republicans resented his effort to oust them, and it hurt his ability to promote his programs in the Legislature — notably last summer when he was given only a one-year extension to mayoral control of city schools.

With Nyclass, investigators are looking for any favorable municipal treatment granted in exchange for the spending. The principals of Nyclass, beyond being animal-rights activists, also have ties to real estate: Ms. Neu is the chairwoman and chief executive of a real estate and electronics recycling company, Hugo Neu; Mr. Nislick, a parking-garage magnate, became the chief financial officer of Ms. Neu’s company in 2014.

Separately, several city and state agencies are examining a deal by the city to lift protections on a nursing home in Manhattan that paved the way for its sale to luxury condominium developers. The city sold its protection — a restrictive covenant — for $16 million to a company that then resold the property, for a profit of roughly $72 million.

Investigators are looking at whether the for-profit nursing home company may have misled city and state agencies; they are also examining the role of the city’s top lobbyist, James F. Capalino, in advocating the deed removal in 2014 on behalf of the original nonprofit owner. He later represented the ultimate purchaser of the property, on other matters.

The State Joint Commission on Public Ethics is also examining whether the Campaign for One New York violated lobbying rules by not registering as a lobbyist last year, according to multiple people familiar with the inquiry.

Mr. de Blasio has vigorously defended himself, his administration and his fund-raising apparatus, saying “unequivocally” that he had not violated any campaign finance laws during the 2014 Senate races. He has also denied any criminal conduct related to Mr. Rechnitz and Mr. Reichberg or to fund-raising more broadly.

“I hold myself and my administration to the highest standard of integrity,” Mr. de Blasio said.

He has denied any involvement, or even prior knowledge, of the lifting of deed restrictions of the former nursing home; indeed, the mayor has not been tied to that deal.

The mayor has also rejected suggestions that his unwavering pledge to remove carriage horses from city streets was being driven by Nyclass.

Time will tell. Before the investigations came to light, Mr. de Blasio enjoyed rising popularity in polls, with no prominent Democrat emerging as a serious rival to his 2017 re-election effort. But the inquiries have cast a shadow on his administration, and he has to repeatedly address questions about political favors and subpoenas.

Subpoenas have been issued in the inquiries on Nyclass, the nursing home and, more broadly, his fund-raising activities. The ones looking into the fund-raising get particularly close to Mr. de Blasio, focusing on one of his top aides, Emma Wolfe, and to Ross A. Offinger, his campaign finance director, several people familiar with the cases said.

Even if no criminal charges emerge against the mayor or any of his top aides, he has been forced back on his heels at a time when he would rather press forward with his agenda and his bid for a second term.