Muslims in Brussels

Version 0 of 1.

To the Editor:

Re “A Close Look at Brussels Offers a More Nuanced View of Radicalization” (Memo From Brussels, April 20):

Several critical roots of radicalization among those of Moroccan origin are missing from your “nuanced view” of the complex Muslim population in Brussels.

First, many mosques are funded by Saudi Arabia and, reflecting a Salafist ideology (an ultraconservative movement within Sunni Islam), have encouraged radicalization.

Second, immigrants from Morocco in Belgium often watch the same Arab TV stations seen across the Middle East. Many programs readily available in Belgium by satellite TV and the Internet feed Arabic-speaking viewers a constant diet of Salafist propaganda, conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism.

They promote radicalization and even terrorism among some Muslims on Belgian and European soil. The language barrier insulates much of the Turkish community from this poison.

Third, Moroccans in Belgium often marry spouses from their homeland. While many Belgian-born youths of Moroccan origin may be second or third generation, at least one of their parents is often a recent arrival. Thus, they are at least partly still first generation, with all the challenges and difficulties this implies.



The writer is director of the AJC Transatlantic Institute, the American Jewish Committee’s Brussels office.