The Evolution of a Love Story, Later in Life

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To the Editor:

Re “In Love Again, This Time With a Man,” by Harris Wofford (Sunday Review, April 24):

In a season of political destruction and darkness, former Senator Wofford offered the most beautiful, and perhaps timely, article of the year. His coming marriage is something we should and will celebrate as he and Matthew Charlton tie the knot on April 30.

What made Mr. Wofford’s article so appealing was what he did not say, and that was fitting. His articulation did say three things: Here I was, here I adapted, here I thrive. He’s a model of the progress, both personal and social, that the United States has achieved.


Old Greenwich, Conn.

To the Editor:

This semester I am teaching a course called “Contemporary Issues in Adulthood and Aging.”

My students are all returning adults with full-time jobs. Their ages range from 21 to 60. This is a perfect article to have my students read. The major stereotype it breaks is that old or older people can’t fall in love and have an immensely meaningful and vibrant relationship after the death of a long-term relationship.

Yes, Harris Wofford’s story is unique in that he was deeply in love with a woman, and now he is thrilled to be in love with a man. But the most important part of his story is that it is possible to lose someone you love and find a way to love again.



The writer is a psychotherapist and adjunct professor in CUNY’s School of Professional Studies Human Relations Degree Program.