Hillary Clinton says that that half of her Cabinet will be women


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Hillary Clinton has promised that women will make up half of her presidential Cabinet, if she’s elected in 2016.

The Democratic front-runner made the promise during MSNBC’s town hall on Monday night. Rachel Maddow moderated the event, and asked Clinton how she plans to close the gender gap. 

“Canada has a new prime minister, Justin Trudeau,” Maddow said. “He promised when he took office that he would have a cabinet that was 50 percent women, and then he did it. Would you make that same pledge?”

Clinton responded, “Well, I am going to have a Cabinet that looks like America, and 50 percent of America is women.”

Without providing any names, Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta said last week that Clinton’s shortlist of potential running would also include women.

“We’ll start with a broad list and then begin to narrow it,” Podesta told The Boston Globe. “But there is no question that there will be women on that list.”