Labour MP Naz Shah, who backed relocating Israel to US, resigns as Shadow Chancellor’s aide

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A British Labour MP who backed the idea of relocating Israel to the US on Facebook, has resigned as an aide to the Shadow Chancellor.

Naz Shah originally shared the controversial post called the “Solution for Israel-Palestine Conflict - Relocate Israel into United States,” and posted her own comment, “Problem solved and save u bank charges for £3 BILLION you transfer yearly,”.  That was in 2014, nine months before she became an MP.

The post, which suggested the US has “plenty of land” to accommodate Israel’s Jewish population, was taken down by the politician who has now been accused of anti-Semitism.

Shah released a statement where she apologized for the post and said it does not reflect any of her views.

“This post from two years ago was made before I was an MP, does not reflect my views and I apologize for any offence it has caused,” she said.

In a second statement, the MP said, “I made these posts at the height of the Gaza conflict in 2014, when emotions were running high around the Middle East conflict, but that is no excuse for the offence I have given.”

The Bradford MP, also posted a separate link in July 2014, referring to “The Jews” in a poll about an article by fellow Labour politician John Prescott on Israeli war crimes.

Shah is currently a member of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, which is presently looking into the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews said the MP’s comments were “appalling” and called for “clarification” of Shah’s views towards the Jewish community and Israel.

READ MORE: Is there an anti-Semitism problem in Britain’s Labour Party? Prejudiced members to be suspended