Search for Mbeki's long-lost son

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South African authorities are about to resume the search for President Thabo Mbeki's son, who is assumed to have been killed by apartheid agents.

Kwanda Mbeki went missing in 1981 as he tried to join his father in exile.

Last week, President Mbeki wrote of the pain he still felt in his newsletter to ANC members. His brother and cousin also disappeared in the 1980s.

A National Prosecuting Authority spokesman said they had new leads which they would be "following very soon".

The bodies of hundreds of other ANC activists have never been found.

In his weekly ANC letter, Mr Mbeki wrote:

"I, too, and especially my mother, regret that the TRC [Truth and Reconciliation Commission] process did not succeed to unearth the truth about what happened to our loved ones who disappeared without trace."

Kwanda Mbeki was born when Thabo Mbeki was a teenager.