What do you think about the Hillsborough disaster inquiry verdict?


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The jury at the new inquests into the Hillsborough disaster returned their verdicts on Tuesday including the conclusion that those who died were unlawfully killed.

A majority of 7-2 decided that the 96 people who died at the FA Cup semi-final on 15 April 1989 were unlawfully killed by gross negligence manslaughter.

Two years after the inquest began, the verdict represents a vindication for the bereaved families who have fought for 27 years against police claims that misbehaving supporters caused the disaster, as well as against the 1991 verdict of accidental death.

The jury decided that the behaviour of Liverpool supporters at Hillsborough did not contribute to the dangerous situation that developed outside the football ground, rejecting a claim by South Yorkshire police which the families and survivors of the disaster have relentlessly denounced as a cover-up.

We would like to hear your reactions to the verdict. You may have known someone who was at the match that day, or be a Liverpool or Nottingham Forest fan, or live in the local community. You can share your views by filling in our form below. We will use some of your contributions in our ongoing reporting.