Working Toward a Plural Society

Version 0 of 1.

To the Editor:

As a Dutchman I must note that Roger Cohen’s assertion in “The Islamic State of Molenbeek” (April 12) that Dutch susceptibility to propaganda leads to voting against the trade agreement with Ukraine is bonkers. The referendum was never about Ukraine: The initiators even said in an interview that they wanted to strain Dutch relations with the European Union. This was their first opportunity. Their successful social-media campaign and Euroskeptic sentiment — not Russia — sealed the deal.

Moreover, Mr. Cohen fails to point out that a number of individuals in the Muslim community feel isolated from society. His call for moderate Muslims to “do more” does not help. They should not be called upon because of their faith; they should be called upon because they are European citizens. All inhabitants of Europe should do more to acknowledge the existence of a pluralist society. Lack of such an acknowledgment creates xenophobia and polarization.

It is not surprising that the anti-Islamic Pegida demonstrations were held in Dresden, even though there are few Muslims in that city. The same applies to Hungary, where the prime minister is adopting anti-Islam rhetoric, although there are few Muslims in his country.

All Europeans, Muslim or otherwise, should aspire to create a culture that is inclusive and where young people growing up in less-privileged areas feel that their home country is a European one, making them less prone to the lure of fanatics to exchange their Western homeland for the Islamic State.


Purmerend, the Netherlands