'It made me scared about my drinking': reactions to Louis Theroux's Drinking To Oblivion


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In Louis Theroux’s latest documentary, Drinking To Oblivion, the journalist and film-maker embeds himself at King’s College Hospital in south London to explore the lives of problem drinkers. The result, which aired last night, is incredibly moving and prompted our readers to respond below the line. Here, we share stories of your relationship with alcohol.

‘I am one of many functioning drunks’

I watched this last night. Quite shocking, but it was good to see Joe escaping the grip of alcohol. What is also disturbing though, not addressed in this particular programme, is the amount of functioning drunks, like myself, who regularly drank the equivalent of a bottle plus of wine a day, most days (equivalent of 5 pints of light bitter/lager a day) to clock up around 70 units a week, every week. The body becomes used to it and you become a fully functioning drunk who can hold down a full time job and relationships without too much of a problem. It's when you try and cut down or stop when you find the alcohol really has a mental grip on you - unlike fags the addition is purely mental not physical. What really worked for me was reading "Kick the Drink Easily by Jason Vale" and I have not had a drink for a year and have not missed or craved it at all. It is transformed my life after drinking heavily for 40 years. I wish I had done it earlier. Check out the reviews on line. If it helps one person reading these comments then I hope my post would have made a real difference.

‘Every so often I catch my level of drinking creeping up’

The programme scared me for myself as much as those people in the programme. Every so often I catch the level of my drinking creeping up - from a glass of wine of two a week, to a couple of glasses a couple of times a week, to 4 or 5 times a week, then up to the half bottles, then more, then a panic and complete shut off for a while but, oh, how hard it is at 7pm to not reach for the wine bottle. I always feel much better when I don't have any at all - less of the 'tired all the time' stuff. Honestly, it scared me to think how very easily I could end up in that situation.

‘It’s interesting that the alcoholics all had low self-esteem’

An excellent piece of work, the striking thing was that each of them seemed to have problems with self esteem and anxiety. The competitive nature of our society mean that not all of us can 'win', creating the perception of failure for some.Until we move away from judging people by their wealth and possessions we will always have vulnerable people amongst us who will self harm in this way. We need to improve our Mental Health services and ensure that sufficient levels of diagnosis, treatment and therapy are available.Millions of people are struggling with everyday life and are a heartbeat away from falling into the self destructive trap of drug abuse and alcoholism.

‘Alcohol in the UK is far too cheap’

It is always feels odd returning home to the UK. The main topic of casual conversation one overhears is about how many pints someone's going to have in the evening, or their intention to get plastered. Every show on TV after 8pm will show someone drinking. It used to be just the tough guys in the Sweeney, now its middle class ladies 'relaxing'.

Alcohol in the UK is too cheap. Everyone knows it, however the government won't tackle the subject. America has guns, we have booze. Look how the shape of the UK's women has changed since they started drinking pints of beer in the last few years.

‘It’s possible to give up drinking I am proof of that’

Gave up heavy drinking in my late twenties, so coming up on near to 20 years. Booze got me into a lot of trouble, I had no control over it, then I overdosed on pills at a party and was out of it for about three months, most of which I slept away. After that I gave it up. These days a bottle of wine might go off unless someone else comes around and drinks it, and the beers in the fridge are only for my mates.

You can give up, I'm proof, I used to drink and do drugs every day, even at work, I'd have my dealer bicycle courier drugs to me at my desk... but yeah, it's painful but I faced my demons and I still live with bouts of depression but I'm alive and pretty healthy.

‘My mum ruined a lot of family occasions through drinking’

My mother was very fond of booze when we were kids. I can remember clearly how she ruined every occasion by getting drunk, and nasty drunk too. She would be pissed collecting me (on foot) from school and I would be ashamed. I eventually asked her to stop coming to get me. Life was like a war zone.

Christmas ruined? CheckHolidays ruined? CheckDrunk by the time we got home from school? CheckMassive rows all the time? Check

Bottom line is that alcoholics should quit the booze if they have kids or get a good life assurance policy and finish yourselves off. My sympathy is limited, to say the least.

‘We must end the stigma attached to alcohol addiction’

This is where the press and the government fall down. The stigma attached with addiction means the public marginalise them in their perception, and they are made to feel guilt and shame on top of the issues that drive their addiction. I would know, I'm in recovery myself. I'm lucky. I made a choice to do something about my underlying issues, of which alcohol was the effect.

‘Where is the followup with mental health care?’

I was very moved by this documentary. Where was the follow-up mental health care? The people featured (Joe and Aurelie particularly) clearly had mental health issues and were in need of psychotherapy and social support. All of those featured were capable of leading productive lives, given the right support. Of course, this could take years but over a lifetime the cost to the NHS would certainly be less than detoxing repeat patients. Plus those people's contributions to society would also have an economic aspect (not that this should be the primary consideration).