Austrian Presidential Vote Gives Edge to Right-Wing Candidate

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BERLIN — A right-wing candidate emerged as the clear front-runner in the first round of the presidential election in Austria on Sunday, dealing a stinging blow to the country’s two mainstream parties, which failed to garner enough votes to make it into a runoff next month.

Norbert Hofer of the anti-immigration Freedom Party emerged as the clear leader, taking 35 percent of the votes cast on Sunday, according to preliminary tallies. Although official results will not be announced until Monday, after absentee ballots are counted, Mr. Hofer, 45, seemed poised to face an independent candidate, Alexander Van der Bellen, a former leader of the Greens, in the runoff on May 22.

Mr. Van der Bellen, 72, who was born in Austria to immigrant parents, received 21 percent of the vote on Sunday. Another independent candidate, Irmgard Griss, 69, a former judge, received 19 percent.

The results reflected disillusionment with the country’s two establishment parties, the center-left Social Democratic Party and the conservative People’s Party. Those parties have dominated Austrian politics for decades, largely by governing together in a so-called grand coalition.

Bickering between them, over issues like taxes, education and pension reform, has eroded popular support over the past decade. The arrival of tens of thousands of migrants last summer, and the government’s decision to open Austria’s borders as Germany did, accelerated the slide.

Although many migrants simply passed through Austria, an Alpine nation of 8.4 million, on their way to Germany or Sweden, about 90,000 decided to remain in the country and apply for asylum. Responding to fears that emerged last fall, when local elections in Vienna reflected a surge in popularity for the Freedom Party, the government passed legislation in January to limit the number of people who could enter the country to 37,500 refugees and took steps to tighten the borders.

The move seemed to do little to reassure voters, who appeared to respond to Mr. Hofer’s call to strengthen the country’s borders and its army, limit benefits for immigrants and favor Austrians in the job market.

Sunday’s result was the best ever for the Freedom Party, which briefly entered the government in 2000, setting off an international outcry and earning the country sanctions from the European Union.

An Austrian president has limited authority, the most powerful being to dismiss a government. Yet the outcome could determine the country’s direction in its next general election, expected in 2018.

Mr. Van der Bellen, the son of an Estonian mother and a Russian father, has pledged that if elected, he would refuse to swear in a government led by a right-wing party, which could set a path for more political turmoil in the coming years in a country long ruled by consensus.