Politico Pierces the ‘Brussels Bubble’ With U.S.-Style Coverage


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BRUSSELS — The offices of Politico Europe, the Brussels outpost of the American political news organization, are less than a five-minute walk from the Maelbeek subway station where a suicide bomber killed more than a dozen people in the terrorist attacks here last month.

The niche publication normally focuses on the inner workings and power dynamics of the European Union’s sprawling institutions, so acts of Islamic terrorism are not exactly its standard offering. But to Matthew Kaminski, Politico Europe’s executive editor, it was an event that lent itself naturally to Politico’s brand of swift, flood-the-zone news coverage.

“We have the biggest newsroom in this town,” Mr. Kaminski said of the more than 40 journalists now under his command, “and this was a hit on our community.”

Before the bombings, sharp coverage in Politico had already branded Belgium a failed state, after it was revealed that last November’s terrorist attacks on Paris had also been organized in a neglected neighborhood of central Brussels. The sustained scrutiny in Politico, addressed to an international, English-speaking audience, rankled many in Belgium’s famously parochial establishment — as the more deferential members of the country’s French- and Dutch-language media looked on. Just three days before the Brussels attacks, a spokesman for the prime minister dismissed Politico’s analysis on Twitter as “biased as always.”

“We were on site, pushing that button every day,” said Ryan Heath, a senior correspondent who writes Politico’s widely read Brussels Playbook newsletter.

“It had a multiplier effect,” Mr. Heath said, “and that did not go down well.”

The Brussels attacks punctuated what had already been an unusually newsy first year for Politico’s European venture, which was started last April in partnership with the German publishing group Axel Springer. In addition to terrorism and security, subjects like the migration crisis, the ongoing war in Ukraine, grinding debt talks with Greece and the prospect of a British exit from the 28-member European Union not only kept the Continent in the headlines but also served to remind Europeans — and the rest of the world — of the importance of the often arcane policy debates taking place in Brussels.

Much like the original Politico, which was founded in 2007, its European incarnation covers its beat like a village paper, harnessing the immediacy of the Internet to deliver breaking news at a brisk tempo to a core readership of political and civic insiders. Its granular coverage of everything from ministerial summit meetings to regulatory committee hearings is leavened with tidbits from errant emails and restaurant recommendations, as well as revealing anecdotes about the biggest power brokers in Brussels.

“We don’t want to just write about politics, but about why these different actors are doing the things they do,” said Carrie Budoff Brown, a former White House reporter for Politico who is now the managing editor in Brussels.

As a digital-first news outlet, Politico Europe uses its website as a shop window. Politico.eu offers a mix of free news and analysis as well as a menu of premium Politico Pro subscription channels focused on topics such as energy, health care and technology policy. It is a hybrid of free and for-pay offerings that has been copied from Politico’s successful American operation, said Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson, the managing director in Brussels. So far, she said, it has exceeded its shareholders’ expectations both for audience and revenue.

“We didn’t really know how many readers inside the ‘Brussels bubble’ there would be,” said Ms. Semsar-de Boisséson, the former publisher of European Voice, a narrowly focused, policy-driven weekly that she sold in 2014 to Axel Springer and that was supplanted by Politico Europe.

Politico Europe claims an audience of one million to 1.5 million unique monthly visitors to its free website, 30,000 readers of its weekly print newspaper and about 200 institutional subscribers to its Pro products, whose potential user base numbers in the “tens of thousands,” Ms. Semsar-de Boisséson said.

Compared with other English-language publications with a reputation for in-depth, if not exclusive, coverage of the European Union — and that cater to a global audience — Politico has a modest reach, especially relative to the size of its newsroom. The Financial Times, with a staff of five in Brussels, claims to reach 2.1 million readers every day in print and online, of whom close to 800,000 are paying subscribers.

Politico Europe says it is the quality, not the size, of the readership that matters most. About 20 percent of its readers live and work in Belgium, its largest European market, followed by about 11 percent in Britain and 9 percent in Germany.

“We produce a kind of news for insiders that gives them the juice that they can use,” said Mr. Kaminski, who came to Politico from The Wall Street Journal, where he worked for more than a decade in Paris and Brussels.

Readers of Politico’s specialized Pro services include officials and staff from all the major branches of the European Union, as well as senior members of governments, corporations and consultancies. Pro subscriptions, which can run into the tens of thousands of dollars a year, generate 30 percent of Politico Europe’s revenues; the rest comes from ads and branded conferences.

Brussels Playbook is the European equivalent to the free morning email started by Politico’s departing star Washington reporter Mike Allen, and like its American forerunner, it serves as the site’s reportorial marquee. Compiled before dawn by Mr. Heath and sent out to 50,000 inboxes before the morning commute, Playbook is a briefing delivered in a jocular “Daily Show” style.

“Everyone reads it,” conceded Peter Spiegel, Brussels bureau chief of The Financial Times. “It has really become the thing that starts the daily conversation here.”

It has also transformed Mr. Heath, an Australian who is a former spokesman and speechwriter for the European Commission, into Politico’s de facto public face and a minor celebrity in Brussels.

“It means you’re spinning a lot of plates,” Mr. Heath said one recent morning as he raced from the newsroom to deliver a live update for CNN on the bombing investigation.

But beyond the general and widespread praise for Playbook, Politico’s European reception has been mixed. Its zest for short-shelf-life scoops and its frequent focus on personalities have led some to dismiss its coverage as incremental and shallow, with little relevance to readers outside Brussels.

“Some of the coverage is a bit superficial and doesn’t always get to the heart of the matter,” said Jon Worth, a communications consultant in Berlin and longtime blogger about European affairs.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, for example, was upset by a Politico article last year about his battle with kidney stones, which he later derided as “peep-show journalism.”

Jean Quatremer, who covers European politics for the French daily Libération, said in an email, “Politico is firing on all cylinders to get people talking about them, and they are succeeding.” But, he added, “it’s too sensationalistic, too into hyping up small stories.”

Tara Palmeri, a former writer for The New York Post’s gossip column, Page Six, who now covers the European Commission for Politico, was quick to shrug off such criticism.

“We are making them famous. We’re making them relevant, even when we are being critical,” Ms. Palmeri said of the leaders she covered. “We are telling the stories that make them human and even sort of interesting.”

Mr. Kaminski said Politico recognized the need to attract new European readers beyond Brussels and to that end was already recruiting staff to reinforce the small bureaus it has in London, Paris and Berlin. Two new Playbook-style newsletters were also recently started: Morning Exchange, which covers the European corporate and financial world, and Morgen Europa, a German-language politics briefing.

“The news has been very helpful in making everyone see that Europe is not done,” Mr. Kaminski said. “And it’s not boring,” he added. “It’s a work in progress.”