For the record

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“The Big Picture, Death of Lake Erie” (Ethical living column, 3 April, page 42, Magazine) showed the very large algal bloom on the lake in 2011 and said that the lake is now a dead zone where fish are unable to survive. The Lake Erie Shores & Islands organisation has asked us to make clear that such large algal blooms do not appear every year and that fish are in fact flourishing in other parts of the lake.

A report on a forthcoming exhibition on Sicily at the British Museum quoted the curator as saying there is no naturally occurring marble in Sicily. What was meant was there is no marble from the island suitable for carving major statuary (“Greek statues were the epic blockbuster of ancient world”, News, 3 April, page 5). We also neglected to mention that the exhibition runs until 14 August.

“I am gay, reveals Scottish Labour leader to magazine” (News, 3 April, page 6) referred to Patrick Harvie as the leader of the Scottish Greens, but he and Maggie Chapman are co-convenors of the Scottish Green party.

The golfer Ian Woosnam is a proud Welshman, not as we said (Sport, 3 April, page 17), an Englishman.

Write to Stephen Pritchard, Readers’ Editor, the Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, email tel 020 3353 4656