Ted Cruz’s doppelganger girl hired to star in $10k sex tape (VIDEO)


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An image of the Republican candidate’s female doppelganger went viral last week after being shared on Reddit.

Searcy Hayes from Natchez, Mississippi was thrust under the internet's harsh spotlight when she appeared on the Maury TV show Monday to determine if her boyfriend was the father of her three-month-old son.

(Spoiler: He was and the couple are now “happily engaged”.)

Before the show’s host could reveal the highly anticipated DNA results, a screenshot of the 21-year-old on the show with a caption noting her Cruz similarity appeared on Reddit.

Social media rejoiced. Just as the Zodiac comparisons had fizzled into Twitter’s distant feed, trolls were given fresh Cruz ammunition to meme and gif to their heart’s content.

READ MORE: Florida voters asked in poll if Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer - 10 percent say ‘yes’

After interest in the Ted Cruz doppelganger exploded online, Hayes and her fiance, 25-year-old Freddie Green, were contacted by “adult social network” xHamster.com to appear in a six-minute sex tape for $10,000.

“We wanted Searcy because overnight she became a viral meme,” Mike Kulich, the spokesman for XHamster.com, told The Huffington Post. “I think a lot of XHamster viewers really wanted to see her in action.”

Green said he’s proud of his fiancee’s newfound fame, comparing her level of “stardom” to Madonna’s: “It’s kind of exciting and shocking to know she’s famous — she’s more famous than Madonna! I’m with a star.”

READ MORE: 'Simpsons' actor Harry Shearer turns tables on Ted Cruz, auditions for 'snivelling hero' (VIDEO)

For what it’s worth, the couple have big plans for that $10,000: “We want to buy a truck, pay off our house and we might get married.”

Having struck gold previously with DNA testing, Hayes now says she wants a test to confirm if she is related to the Republican presidential candidate: “If it turns out that we’re some kind of kin… I want to find out where he’s been this whole time and why he’s all of a sudden coming into my life.”

During a live chat on the Maury show’s Facebook page, Hayes admitted to having no idea who Cruz is or what he does: “The only [politician] I’ve ever known of is Donald Trump.”