Beijing dog policy sparks protest

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At least 200 people have protested in the Chinese capital, Beijing, against restrictions on pet dog ownership.

Demonstrators holding stuffed toy animals said new rules limiting families in the capital to owning one small dog each were inhumane.

They said a ban on larger breeds would lead to dogs being confiscated and culled. In August, a mass cull of dogs caused uproar in south-west China.

The 'one dog' policy was announced as part of a campaign to combat rabies.

The protest was watched by many police, who demonstrators say detained 18 people.

One protester said the rule that pet dogs could be no taller than 35 cm was nonsense.

"We hope the world will support us in stopping the meaningless hurting and killing of dogs," she said, adding, "the height of a dog doesn't make them guilty or fierce!"

Rising wages have led to a boom in dog ownership, but high fees have meant most dogs are unregistered and unvaccinated.