Ban for non drink-drive teenager

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A teenager has been banned under drink-driving laws - even though he was not drunk or in his car at the time.

Daniel Barclay has become one of the first people to be banned for allowing a drunk man to drive.

He had let his friend use his car, even though he knew he was intoxicated and was not covered by insurance. His friend later crashed.

Barclay, 18, from Perth, was charged after writing to the procurator fiscal to confess his part in the crime.

'Stupid decision'

Solicitor Cheryl Clark, defending at Perth Sheriff Court, said: "One of his acquaintances asked for a shot of his car.

"He felt some degree of pressure to allow this other young man to use the car.

"He admits allowing him to do so. It was perhaps a stupid decision to make.

"He has a promising career ahead of him and he has learned his lesson."

University student Barclay admitted aiding, abetting and procuring his friend to commit drink driving while he was twice the legal limit in August last year.

He also admitted letting him drive the vehicle without insurance.

Sheriff Michael Fletcher admitted he had never seen anyone charged with the offence previously and noted the penalties were identical to those for drink driving.

He disqualified Barclay - who had only had his licence for four months - for a year and fined him £700.

James Martin, 18, admitted driving Barclay's car while he was more than twice the legal limit when he appeared at Perth Sheriff Court in October.

He was also banned from driving for 12 months and fined £375.