Bodies removed from crash site

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The bodies of five people who died when a private jet crashed into a housing estate in Farnborough, Kent, have been removed from the crash scene by police.

Two pilots and three passengers died when the plane plummeted and burst into flames after take-off on Sunday.

Seven families from Romsey Close, where the Cessna jet came down, were allowed to return home on Monday evening.

Air accident experts from the US and Canada have come to the UK to help in the search for clues behind the crash.

No 'black box'

The Air Accident Investigation Branch's (AAIB) painstaking search of the wreckage and surrounding area is expected to last until Wednesday afternoon. Experts from the RAF are helping in the probe.

No "black box" flight recorders were fitted on the jet because they are not required on planes registered in a private capacity, investigators said.

But there was confidence that enough information about the cause of the crash could be gathered from the scene and eyewitnesses.

<a class="" href="/1/hi/uk/7322696.stm">More on where crash happened</a><a class="" href="/1/hi/england/7323287.stm">Safety concerns raised</a>

Ex-touring car racer David Leslie, team owner Richard Lloyd and pilot Mike Roberts were among those who died during the business flight from nearby Biggin Hill airfield to France.

Passenger Christopher Allarton, 25, and co-pilot Michael Chapman, 57 are also thought to have perished, although formal identification of all five on board will not happen for some time.

In the moments before the crash, the pilot reportedly told air traffic control of severe engine vibrations and asked for permission to land again.

But the Cessna Citation 1 jet came down short of the airport at 1438 BST.

Plane plummeted

Residents, who watched in horror as the plane plummeted with a loud "roar", said it was a "miracle" that no-one on the ground was badly injured. Two people were treated for shock and one houses and a neighbouring garage were engulfed in flames.

An hour earlier, my mother, her brother and his partner would have been inside Stephen and Peter HaleSons of residents

Stephen and Peter Hale, the sons of the Ed and Pat Harman, whose house was destroyed, said their parents had a narrow escape. They were away on holiday when the plane hit.

"There would have been no chance if they'd been inside the property and on a normal Sunday afternoon they probably would have been there," said Peter.

"An hour earlier, my mother, her brother and his partner would have been inside the house."

"We're thankful they're alive, they're thankful they're alive," he added.

Tributes paid

Floral tributes have been laid at the scene to the victims from the plane, including pilot Mike Roberts, who eyewitnesses said made a desperate bid to try and avoid houses as it came down.

<a class="" href="/1/hi/uk/7322983.stm">Profiles of crash victims</a><a class="" href="/1/hi/scotland/south_of_scotland/7322087.stm">David Leslie 'loss to Scottish sport'</a>

Douglas Field, 71, his friend of a decade, called him a hero.

Family liaison officers were in contact with families of the victims.

Mr Leslie, 54, who was born in Dumfriesshire, was best known for winning nine races in a 13-year touring car career in the Super Tourer era of the 1990s.

He leaves a wife and two sons.

It is thought he was working on setting up the new Jaguar racing team with fellow victim Richard Lloyd, 63, the boss of Apex Motorsport. He leaves a wife and three daughters.

The plane's wreckage will later be taken to the AAIB's headquarters in Farnborough, Hampshire, for examination.