Papers focus on immigration report

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The House of Lords' report on immigration is the main story for several of the papers.

For the Daily Mail, the inquiry explodes a nuclear bomb beneath the government's case for mass immigration.

In the Daily Telegraph's view, it leaves the government's attempted validation of its immigration policy holed beneath the waterline.

The Daily Express says claims of economic benefits of immigration are an argument that is impossible to sustain.

The Times says Zimbabwe is "waiting on tenterhooks" to discover the fate of President Mugabe.

He has not been seen since polling day on Saturday, the Telegraph reports, and speculation is rife.

According to the Independent, there was an unconfirmed rumour that he had left the country.

Teed off

The Times covers the coroner's summing-up at the inquest into Princess Diana's death, which said conspiracy theories were finally dismissed.

The man whose house was destroyed in the plane crash in Kent appears in the Mail and the Sun - continuing his golfing holiday in the Algarve.

Seventy-two year old Ed Harman tells the Sun he had thought about returning home, but had only got a few days of holiday left anyway.

The Mirror has a headline of "Free school meal for every pupil".

It says Children's Secretary, Ed Balls, is keen on the proposal, which would help in the fight against obesity.

Style icon

Among the fanciful tales reported by the papers on the first day of April is the Guardian's tale that the wife of the French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been appointed to inject more style and glamour into British national life.

According to the paper, France's First Lady will relocate to London for three months will focus on improving the UK's dress sense and cuisine.

It says the Prime Minister will formally announce the latest addition at the French Institute in London.

In a similar vein, the Express reports concern over plans to replace Big Ben's traditional clock faces with a digital time display.And the Mirror has pictures of flying penguins filmed for a new BBC show.

And the Sun's sport team suggests that England's international footballers will be required to learn Italian to help them fit in under Fabio Capello's regime.