Jersey 'punishment room' shown

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Pictures have been released of the second "punishment room" found at a former Jersey children's home at the centre of a probe into alleged abuse.

The underground chambers were discovered by forensic teams at Haut de la Garenne, the home where 100 people claim they were abused.

The room is about three times bigger than the first chamber and graffiti is written on the walls.

Victims say they were sexually and physically abused in the rooms.

A large letter K has been written in black on the wall and the rest of the word is covered by whitewash.

Police have completed their work in the second chamber and will start excavating the third chamber early next week.

Further arrests

They have also said they are confident of making more arrests in the near future.

A police spokesman said: "New information has been coming forward as recently as yesterday, we are getting new calls about this case all the time.

"We are still building up information on suspects but we are confident arrests will be made in the next few weeks."

The spokesman said they anticipated finishing work at the site by the end of April.

Investigators say there are more than 40 suspects in the inquiry.

Haut de la Garenne opened in 1867 and was converted into a youth hostel after it closed as a children's home in 1986.