At-work drivers 'risking lives'

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Motorists driving for work are more likely to tailgate and speed, a national road safety charity warned.

Brake said at-work drivers often "feel pressurised" to get somewhere faster, putting lives at risk.

Its survey of 4,500 drivers found 61% of motorists driving as part of their work did not keep a safe enough distance behind the vehicle in front.

The charity wants the punishment for speeding increased to a £1,000 fine and six penalty points.

The survey found 61% of at-work drivers admitted failing to leave the recommended two-second gap between them and the vehicle in front, compared to 40% of other drivers.

In addition, 74% of at-work drivers admitted speeding at 80mph or more on motorways, compared with around half of other drivers.

A life is more important than being late Liz Voysey

The research, which was undertaken with the breakdown and recovery firm Green Flag, also showed 77% of at-work drivers admitted driving at 35mph in a 30mph limit, compared with 62% of other drivers.

According to Brake, tailgating was a contributory factor in at least 54 deaths in 2006, and speeding plays a part in more than a quarter of deaths on UK roads.


Liz Voysey's 19-year-old daughter Amy was killed in a road crash in 2004.

A lorry had collided with her car, leaving her stranded in the outside lane of a dual carriageway. Amy waited with her hazard lights on, unable to manoeuvre to safety.

She was hit by a van being driven by a lift repair engineer, speeding at more than 80mph.

Mrs Voysey said: "A life is more important than being late."

Work pressures are no excuse for impatient and aggressive driving Cathy Keeler, Brake

"Driving too close and speeding means you don't give yourself room to react in a crisis and the faster you're travelling when you crash, the more terrible the consequences will be," she said.

Brake is calling for a range of new measures to be introduced, including all unsafe driving to be legally classed as dangerous driving.

It is also urging the Department for Transport to publish its research into satellite-controlled vehicle speed limiters.

The organisation also said firms which pressurise employees into tailgating or speeding should be penalised for breaching their duty of care or even, in some circumstances, prosecuted under new corporate manslaughter legislation.

Cathy Keeler, head of campaigns for Brake, said: "It's horrifying that so many drivers admit breaking such basic road rules as leaving a two-second gap or sticking to the speed limit, especially when they drive for work.

"Work pressures are no excuse for impatient and aggressive driving. Given the terrible death toll of nine people killed every day on our roads, there can be no room for complacency."

The Brake and Green Flag survey questioned 4,640 drivers - 2,510 were people who drove for work, excluding commuters.