Brown to attack SNP over economy

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The SNP is a threat to Scotland's prosperity, Prime Minister Gordon Brown is expected to tell the Scottish Labour conference in Aviemore.

He will claim that the Nationalist administration will inflict cuts in education which will damage Scotland's capacity for economic growth.

Labour lost by one seat to the SNP at last May's Holyrood election.

Wendy Alexander said she was "relishing" the prospect of her first conference as Scottish Labour leader.

She told the BBC that she was "in it" for the long haul, not short-term popularity.

Dogged by controversy

Mr Brown will address delegates on Friday afternoon, and it is expected that he will say only Labour values can equip Scotland to thrive in the global economy.

He will argue that policies being pursued by SNP ministers ignore the vulnerable.

BBC Scotland correspondent Colin Blane said Scottish Labour had had a difficult year, losing power at Holyrood and seeing its new leader dogged by controversy over donations to her election campaign.

Ms Alexander will take part in a BBC Scotland webcast being hosted by political editor Brian Taylor.

The live stream, which begins at 1100 GMT and runs for half an hour, will feature questions from online users.