Two titles apologise to McCanns

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The Daily Express takes what it describes as the "unprecedented step" of making a front-page apology to Kate and Gerry McCann.

This is because of articles in which it has suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine, then covered it up.

The Express says: "Kate and Gerry, we are truly sorry to have added to your distress."

The Daily Star makes a similar gesture to the McCanns.

Mills mauled

The publication of the judgement given in the case of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills has been pounced on with something approaching glee.

The Daily Telegraph's assessment of Ms Mills is as "a fantasist indulging in make-believe".

It is treated rather more bluntly by the Sun. "The judge branded her a scheming liar," says the paper, alongside the headline "Pornocchio".

The Daily Mirror plumps for "The land of Mac believe".

Film great

There is much praise for Oscar-winning British film-maker Anthony Minghella who died aged 54 from complications after surgery on his throat.

The Times, which pictures him on its front page, describes the director as a tireless champion of British film.

The Independent quotes actor Jude Law who worked with Minghella on films such as The Talented Mr Ripley, Cold Mountain, and Breaking and Entering.

Law says Minghella was "a sweet, warm, bright and funny man".

Nose for business

According to the Daily Mail, Dutch winemaker Ilja Gort, has a nose for the job - a £3.8m one.

Lloyds has decided to insure his nose for the sum after concluding that his smelling ability is "far above usual".

Rather more grim employment news concerning workers at Northern Rock is reported in the Guardian.

The paper says more than 2,000 staff will lose their jobs under plans to revitalise the stricken bank and return it to the private sector.