Freed sex killer wanted by police

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Police in Edinburgh have launched a hunt for a freed sex killer who is believed to be a danger to the public.

Jack Roy, 37, was convicted 20 years ago for the murder of a woman who he stabbed, sexually assaulted and threw from a moving train.

He had been released on licence a year ago and had been living in Edinburgh under close supervision. Police said he will be sent to prison when caught.

Roy is known to have associates in Dundee and Glasgow, where he grew up.

He was 15 years old when he murdered Janet Maddocks.

Railway line

Roy had raped and repeatedly stabbed the 35-year-old social worker on the Euston to Birmingham train on a night in 1986.

Her body was found on the railway line three miles from Northampton.

He was convicted of her murder after detectives found a bloodstained train ticket.

A Lothian and Borders Police spokesman said: "As Jack Roy is now considered a high risk to members of the public, particularly lone females, we are requesting that anyone with knowledge of his whereabouts does not approach him but contact Lothian and Borders Police."