Rape accused on run from hostel


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A man due to stand trial next year accused of a string of sexual offences has absconded from a bail hostel, it has been revealed.

Keith Williams, 44, who is known in the London area, was in custody but was granted bail in September on condition that he reside at a bail hostel.

He is charged with 16 counts of rape, nine counts of other sexual offences and two of making threats to kill.

Mr Williams is due to stand trial in January at Kingston Crown Court.

'Anywhere in UK'

Scotland Yard confirmed Mr Williams, who is white, had absconded from a bail hostel in Dewsbury on 29 October.

They are advising the public not to approach him if they see him, but to call the police.

Scotland Yard said: "Officers in the Wandsworth area of south London are continuing to seek assistance from the public in tracing Keith Williams, who absconded from a bail hostel in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, on Sunday, October 29.

"Keith Williams is white, aged 44 and is mainly known in the London area but police believe he may be staying anywhere in the UK.

"If sighted, members of the public are advised not to approach Williams but to contact police immediately on 999 or Wandsworth Police Station on 020 8247 8021."