Son loses bid for Prescott's seat

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The son of former deputy prime minister John Prescott has failed to be selected for his father's seat in Hull.

David Prescott lost out to local barrister Karl Turner in a seven-way selection battle.

His father represented the safe Labour seat of Hull East for 38 years and is to stand down after the next election.

John Prescott announced last year he was not standing again as an MP and is tipped to be taking a seat in the House of Lords following the election.

Mr Prescott quit the front bench at the same time as Tony Blair, and his son said he hoped Labour could retain the seat in future.

"All I ever wanted was to get to the final hustings to put my case to the members on how I wanted to build on the successes that Labour have achieved," said David Prescott.

"I give my full backing to the winning candidate and hope that he will build a mass membership party, support our candidates in the forthcoming local election, win back the council for Labour and retain the seat at the next general election.

"This has been an unbelievable journey and I'm honoured to have had the chance to stand for my home town."

Speaking after his selection, Mr Turner said: "John will be a formidable act to follow and has served the area with great pride and passion for nearly 40 years."