Police probe headless body link


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Police are investigating whether the disappearance of a traveller could be linked to the discovery of a headless and handless body in Hertfordshire.

The body was found beside a garage block on Friday evening near Icknield Close, Ickleford, near Hitchin.

Police do not yet know who the murder victim was, but officers have been searching for missing traveller John Finney, who was abducted in February.

Hertfordshire Police said that was one line of inquiry they were looking at.

The area next to the garage block was cordoned off by police as forensic examination were carried out along with searches of the surrounding area.

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit have started a murder investigation.

John Finney, who was 42, was abducted from his Mitsubishi Shogun in Hertfordshire on 29 February.

His car was abandoned at Park Farm, Northaw, but he has not been found.

Not random

A police spokeswoman said officers were looking at a number of lines of inquiry, including whether the body was linked to Mr Finney's disappearance.

Det Ch Insp Bill Jephson, who is leading the investigation, said: "This is being treated as a murder inquiry.

"At this stage identification has not taken place, however we are following a number of lines of inquiry.

"I want to speak to anyone in the Ickleford or anyone who has passed through the area in the last two weeks and has seen anything suspicious or to anyone who has information."

He said he did not believe the murder was a random attack.

The police spokeswoman added that anyone who had any information about Mr Finney's disappearance or about the scene of the crime was asked to call Hertfordshire Police.

A post-mortem examination will take place on Sunday.