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Slovenians Deliver Major Setback to Same-Sex Marriage in Referendum Slovenians Deliver Major Setback to Same-Sex Marriage in Referendum
(about 3 hours later)
LJUBLJANA, Slovenia — In March, when Slovenia’s Parliament voted to let same-sex couples marry and adopt children, the country was heralded as the first of the former communist nations of Central and Eastern Europe to join a worldwide trend toward legal equality for gay men and lesbians. LJUBLJANA, Slovenia — In March, when Slovenia’s Parliament voted to let same-sex couples marry and adopt children, the country was heralded as the first of the former communist nations of Central and Eastern Europe to join a worldwide trend toward legal equality for gay men and lesbians.
However, that movement suffered a major setback on Sunday, when Slovenian voters rebuked their lawmakers with a resounding message: No.However, that movement suffered a major setback on Sunday, when Slovenian voters rebuked their lawmakers with a resounding message: No.
Voters repealed the marriage law by a nearly two-to-one ratio — 63.5 percent against and 36.5 percent in favor, the country’s Election Commission announced on Monday morning. About a third of the 1.7 million registered voters cast ballots.Voters repealed the marriage law by a nearly two-to-one ratio — 63.5 percent against and 36.5 percent in favor, the country’s Election Commission announced on Monday morning. About a third of the 1.7 million registered voters cast ballots.
It was a stinging defeat for the government, which had tried to prevent the vote, by arguing that marriage was a human right that should not be subjected to a popular referendum. In October, the Constitutional Court disagreed and ordered the vote to proceed. It was a stinging defeat for the government, which had tried to prevent the vote, by arguing that marriage was a human right that should not be subjected to a popular referendum. In October, the Constitutional Court disagreed and allowed the vote to proceed.
Voters have pushed back against the government on this issue before. In a 2012 referendum, they rejected, by a smaller margin, a law that would have given same-sex couples many of the rights of married couples, except for adoption, and without the term “marriage.”Voters have pushed back against the government on this issue before. In a 2012 referendum, they rejected, by a smaller margin, a law that would have given same-sex couples many of the rights of married couples, except for adoption, and without the term “marriage.”
“It’s not possible to build the future of Slovenia with same-sex couples,” said Janez Jansa, a former prime minister who leads the center-right Democratic Party, the main opposition party, said after the result of Sunday’s referendum.“It’s not possible to build the future of Slovenia with same-sex couples,” said Janez Jansa, a former prime minister who leads the center-right Democratic Party, the main opposition party, said after the result of Sunday’s referendum.
The vote was painful for advocates for gay rights in Europe, where the movement for marriage rights achieved its first victory when the Netherlands legalized same-sex marriage in 2001.The vote was painful for advocates for gay rights in Europe, where the movement for marriage rights achieved its first victory when the Netherlands legalized same-sex marriage in 2001.
Since then, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain (except Northern Ireland) and Luxembourg — where the prime minister, who is gay, wed his partner in May — have all legalized same-sex marriage, along with Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. In March, Ireland became the first nation to legalize same-sex marriage by popular referendum. On Tuesday, the Greek Parliament is scheduled to take up a bill legalizing civil partnerships for same-sex couples.Since then, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain (except Northern Ireland) and Luxembourg — where the prime minister, who is gay, wed his partner in May — have all legalized same-sex marriage, along with Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. In March, Ireland became the first nation to legalize same-sex marriage by popular referendum. On Tuesday, the Greek Parliament is scheduled to take up a bill legalizing civil partnerships for same-sex couples.
But the issue has divided the Continent. None of the former communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe has legalized same-sex marriage (although Germany, which reunified in 1990, has broad protections for gay couples). Croatia and Slovakia have amended their Constitutions to define marriage as the union of a man and woman.But the issue has divided the Continent. None of the former communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe has legalized same-sex marriage (although Germany, which reunified in 1990, has broad protections for gay couples). Croatia and Slovakia have amended their Constitutions to define marriage as the union of a man and woman.
Slovenia is the wealthiest and among the more progressive of the countries that made up the former Yugoslavia; it decriminalized homosexuality in 1977 and joined the European Union in 2004 and the eurozone in 2007.Slovenia is the wealthiest and among the more progressive of the countries that made up the former Yugoslavia; it decriminalized homosexuality in 1977 and joined the European Union in 2004 and the eurozone in 2007.
The marriage controversy here was caused in part by a ruling of the Constitutional Court, which in 2009 held that same-sex partnerships law violated a constitutional ban on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.The marriage controversy here was caused in part by a ruling of the Constitutional Court, which in 2009 held that same-sex partnerships law violated a constitutional ban on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
However, opponents of the new marriage law collected about 40,000 signatures, enough to force a popular referendum on the matter. In October, the Constitutional Court narrowly voted, 5 to 4, that the National Assembly could not block the referendum. Advocates for marriage equality say the court’s rulings have not been consistent.However, opponents of the new marriage law collected about 40,000 signatures, enough to force a popular referendum on the matter. In October, the Constitutional Court narrowly voted, 5 to 4, that the National Assembly could not block the referendum. Advocates for marriage equality say the court’s rulings have not been consistent.
“Slovenia’s own Constitution recognizes that fundamental rights shouldn’t be left to majority decision,” said Boris Dittrich, a Dutch historian and former lawmaker who directs the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights program at Human Rights Watch. “It’s a pity that the Constitutional Court didn’t invoke that constitutional protection of fundamental rights to halt the challenge to marriage equality.”“Slovenia’s own Constitution recognizes that fundamental rights shouldn’t be left to majority decision,” said Boris Dittrich, a Dutch historian and former lawmaker who directs the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights program at Human Rights Watch. “It’s a pity that the Constitutional Court didn’t invoke that constitutional protection of fundamental rights to halt the challenge to marriage equality.”
Opponents of same-sex marriage framed the issue as one of child protection, saying that children had a basic right to have a father and mother.Opponents of same-sex marriage framed the issue as one of child protection, saying that children had a basic right to have a father and mother.
“This outcome is a victory for all our children,” Ales Primc, the leader of a group called Children Are at Stake, which organized the opposition to the law.“This outcome is a victory for all our children,” Ales Primc, the leader of a group called Children Are at Stake, which organized the opposition to the law.
The Vatican may have helped sway opinion in this majority-Catholic country. In an audience with Slovenian pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, Pope Francis said: “May you carry my gratitude to the Church of Slovenia for its efforts in favor of family. I want to encourage all Slovenians, particularly those with public responsibilities, to preserve family as a basic cell of society.”The Vatican may have helped sway opinion in this majority-Catholic country. In an audience with Slovenian pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, Pope Francis said: “May you carry my gratitude to the Church of Slovenia for its efforts in favor of family. I want to encourage all Slovenians, particularly those with public responsibilities, to preserve family as a basic cell of society.”
Advocates of same-sex marriage rights promised to continue their effort, and it is possible that the Constitutional Court may revisit the matter.Advocates of same-sex marriage rights promised to continue their effort, and it is possible that the Constitutional Court may revisit the matter.
“We are not giving up,” said Miha Lobnik, leader of the It’s Time for Yes campaign.“We are not giving up,” said Miha Lobnik, leader of the It’s Time for Yes campaign.