MPs' expenses dominate the papers

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Revelations about MPs' expenses are reported widely in Friday's papers, and provide the lead stories in the Daily Mail and the Sun.

Under the headline, "On The House!" the Mail says they give a portrait of how MPs furnish their homes with luxury goods at the taxpayers' expense.

The Sun describes the expenses as a "make-over" perk.

But the Times points out that MPs cannot claim for antique, luxury or premium-grade furnishings and fittings.

Climate change

The papers also focus on record increases in the prices of perennial luxury items - oil and gold.

It says investors are scurrying to the oldest safe haven of them all - gold - amid signs that the world is in the throes of a financial crisis.

Meanwhile, the Guardian reports that Tony Blair is to lead a new international team to try to secure a global deal on climate change.

The former prime minister is said to believe plans can be prepared to halve carbon emissions by 2050.

Propaganda exercise?

The Daily Telegraph says the full scale of the clampdown on middle-class motorists in the Budget is now clear.

According to the paper, nine in 10 cars will be affected by higher rates of tax.

The Independent says the National Union of Teachers is unhappy about a lesson plan drawn up by the Ministry of Defence about the Iraq war.

The union calls it a propaganda exercise which does not refer to civilian deaths as a result of the war.

Gold Cup

At Cheltenham, it is Gold Cup day and there is plenty of excitement about the showdown between Kauto Star and Denman - two of the UK's best known horses.

The Mail likens the race to Coe versus Ovett on four legs, while the Guardian describes the contest as being raw power versus silky speed.

The Daily Express calls it the most talked about Gold Cup since the 1960s.

It also points out that the two horses, which will race for the first time, spend racing seasons in adjacent boxes.