Stephen Colbert: 'Why's it so easy to buy bullets when I have to show three forms of ID to buy Sudafed?'

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Stephen Colbert took a couple of somber minutes during his show on 7 December to address the events in San Bernardino last week.

He acknowledged the magnitude of the events and how difficult it is to discuss them on a comedy show. And he even suggested it was counterproductive to "prayer shame" those offering thoughts and prayers, as the New York Daily News most notably did.

But then Colbert went a step further, saying those thoughts and prayers indeed weren't sufficient. And rather than echoing calls for bans on assault weapons or not selling guns to people on the no-fly list, he suggested we should look at something else: bullets.

"There has to be some way to make it harder to build up an arsenal; the San Bernardino shooters had 6,000 rounds of ammunition," Colbert said. "Why's it so easy to buy bullets when I have to show three forms of ID to buy Sudafed?"

Copyright: Washington Post