Russia Gives France a Puppy to Replace Police Dog Killed in Raid

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In a ceremony in Moscow on Monday, Russia presented France with a puppy to replace a police dog killed in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris last month.

Diesel, a Belgian Malinois, died as members of French special forces raided an apartment in the Paris suburb of St.-Denis on Nov. 18. Three people were killed during the police operation, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian militant suspected of planning the Nov. 13 attacks.

As Russia’s Interior Ministry handed over Dobrynya, a German shepherd named after a mythical Russian warrior, Jean-Maurice Ripert, the French ambassador, called it “a gesture that comes from the heart.”

“The puppy you are giving us today will replace Diesel and proves your friendship. They are waiting for this puppy in Paris,” he said, according to Politico.

Diesel’s death drew outsize attention online as the horror unfolded, with many people on Twitter using the hashtag #JeSuisChien, or “I am dog.”