Watch Nicky Morgan being booed for repeating David Cameron's 'terrorist sympathiser' slur on Jeremy Corbyn

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Nicky Morgan has defended David Cameron for describing Jeremy Corbyn and his allies who are opposed to air strikes in Syria as "a bunch of terrorist sympathisers". 

The Prime Minister used the slur on the Labour leader in a private meeting of Conservative MPs on the eve of the Syria vote as he urged them not to side with Mr Corbyn in opposing the Government's plan to bomb Isis in Syria. 

He repeatedly refused to apologise for the remarks during the 10-hour debate on Wednesday. 

Asked by a Question Time audience member, who is opposed to bombing Syria, whether she "looked like a terrorist sympathiser" too, Ms Morgan said: "No, but Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell do." 

Her remarks drew loud boos from the Question Time audience. 

Explaining her comments, Ms Morgan said: "Jeremy Corbyn has said in June of this year, he talked about 'our friends from Hezbollah'. John McDonnell talked about the 'bombs, and the bullets and the sacrifice' made by the IRA," she said.

She then asked fellow panelist and Corbyn-ally Diane Abbott: "And last week on this programme, Ken Livingstone, the leader of your defense review, Diane, talked about people on 7/7 who gave their lives, what about people who lost their lives?"

But the shadow International Development Secretary defended her boss. "These are old smears and they do not detract from the fact that in my view, and in the view of millions of British people, the House of Commons made the wrong decision," she said.