Call over night-time town centres Version 0 of 1. The "night-time economy" of British town centres would be improved by more diverse activities, a report has said. The Civic Trust study calls for steps including more shops to be open, venues for families and older people, and non-alcohol related activities. The trust said the proposals would lead to less crime, disturbance, street fouling and hospital A&E admissions. The rapid expansion of bars and clubs in many towns and cities had created problems, the organisation added. 'Business sense' The report, titled NightVision, also recommends evening-time measures such as special events and festivals, late opening of museums and art galleries, improved public spaces and lighting, better public transport and an increased responsible presence such as street wardens. In some cases, town and city centres are now busier during the evening than they are during the day Hannah MummeryThe Civic Trust Problems in town centres at night can be made worse by the lack of essential management such as street cleansing, public transport and adequate policing, the trust said. The trust's policy and research manager Hannah Mummery said: "In some cases, town and city centres are now busier during the evening than they are during the day. "It therefore makes both good social policy and good business sense for town and city centres to offer a more diverse range of activities during the evening." The report is based on three years of research and interviews with key stakeholders such as local authorities, national government, developers, the drinks industry, licensees, retailers, residents and consumers. |