Canadian brothers take selfie with bald eagle after saving its life

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A pair of Canadian brothers took a 'selfie' with a bald eagle after rescuing the bird from a trap.

Brothers Michael and Neil Fletcher, from Ontario, were hunting for grouse in Windy Lake, Onaping  when they found the bird of prey caught in a claw trap.

Michael told local newspaper The Sudbury Star they were driving through an open area when Neil thought he saw an eagle. After exploring the area on foot, they saw movement and walked toward it, where they found the huge bird on the ground.

The eagle had one of its talons stuck in a claw trap, a type of trap used by fur harvesters.

Michael said: “It was attached to a stake and the eagle was trying to fly up, but it only had a foot of slack in the chain.”

He explained how the huge bird calmed down when they covered its head with a hoodie and held on to it while working on the trap’s release mechanism.

“It calmed right down,” he said. “It didn’t really fuss or give any sign of aggression. I don’t know if it knew we were helping him, or what.”

After the bird was freed, the brothers removed the hood and held it up to take a selfie. Michael filmed Neil hoisting it up to shoulder height and giving it a push. The eagle flapped off into a nearby tree, where it stayed till the men left.

“I was surprised by the size, and that it’s such a beautiful bird,” said Michael. “When you see the eyes up close, they’re really amazing.”

They later contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, who thanked them for freeing the eagle and said they would be contacting the trapper about setting the trap up differently.