Planned Parenthood shooting: Suspect Robert Lewis Dear said 'no more baby parts' when arrested for Colorado clinic attack

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The man who staged a deadly attack on a US abortion clinic said "no more baby parts" after his arrest, according to police. 

Robert Lewis Dear, 57, was arrested after a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs which left three people - including one police officer - dead. 

Six others were shot and wounded before police persuaded the gunman to give himself up.

Police officials did not elaborate on Dear's motives for the attack and the charity said witnesses had told them the gunman was not motivated by his opposition to abortion. 

It comes as the National Abortion Federation said it has seen a rise in threats to clinics across the country have increased since a video emerged in July purportedly showing them selling foetal organs. 

In the video, which Planned Parenthood say was heavily edited, the senior director of medical services, Deborah Nucatola, is heard discussing the best way to handle aborted foetal tissue to protect the organs. 

The organisation said it did not profit from the sale of organ tissue and the organs were donations to researchers. 

Dear has been described as a "recluse" who had stockpiled food in the woods and had warned his neighbours about "government spies" in the past. 

"If you talked to him, nothing with him was very cognitive," one neighbour said.

Additional reporting by AP