Mysterious 'Blue Dragon' washes up on Australian coast line

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A mysterious video emerged online last week of what appears to be a small dragon-like creature washed up on the sands of the Australian Gold Coast.

Although it resembles a Pokémon or a Final Fantasy character; it is actually a rare sea slug named Glaucus Atlanticus, or commonly known as a blue dragon.

They are not seen often - usually spending their time riding surface currents out to sea, however they can be found off the coast of South Africa and have been found in Australia in the past.

Biologists were quick to warn that while the blue dragon appears harmless, it is infact deadly, and if encountered should not be touched.

The blue dragon is able to store the venom of its prey, commonly jellyfish, and can cause a nasty sting if they come into contact with skin.

It is able to eat a jellyfish ten times its size.