King Abdullah of Jordan calls for Muslims to lead fight against terrorism

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The King of Jordan has called for Muslims to take up the “battle” against extremist groups responsible for terror attacks in a speech on Sunday.

King Abdullah II said terrorism is the “greatest threat to our region” and that confronting it is: “both a regional and international responsibility, but it is mainly our battle, us Muslims, against those who seek to hijack our societies and generations with intolerance takfiri ideology.”

‘Takfiri’ refers to the radical Islamic practice of declaring one’s enemies to be infidels worthy of death, according to the Times of Israel.

Although the speech did not specifically refer to the terror attacks in Paris claimed by Isis that left more than 130 people dead, King Abdullah previously condemned it as a “cowardly terrorist act”. The monarch has been outspoken against terrorism, particularly after the execution of a Jordanian pilot by Isis in February last year.

Isis uploaded a horrifying video of the Jordanian fighter pilot’s last moments as they burned him alive in a cage. King Abdullah retaliated fiercely, predicting a “severe” and “relentless” response against the militants. State TV quoted him as saying: "We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles, and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground."

Jordan is taking part in US-led air strikes against Isis.

Additional reporting by AP