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Second senior Farc rebel 'killed' Second senior Farc rebel 'killed'
(20 minutes later)
The Colombian security forces say they have killed another senior member of the Farc rebel group.The Colombian security forces say they have killed another senior member of the Farc rebel group.
The reported death of Ivan Rios is the second blow to the left-wing guerrilla group in less than a week.The reported death of Ivan Rios is the second blow to the left-wing guerrilla group in less than a week.
Last Saturday another top commander, Raul Reyes, was killed by troops in a raid just inside Ecuador.Last Saturday another top commander, Raul Reyes, was killed by troops in a raid just inside Ecuador.
He was the first member of the Farc's ruling secretariat to die in combat. The killing triggered a diplomatic row, with Ecuador denouncing the incursion.He was the first member of the Farc's ruling secretariat to die in combat. The killing triggered a diplomatic row, with Ecuador denouncing the incursion.
Mr Rios was killed in a mountainous area of the western province of Caldas, military sources say.
The death came as Latin American leaders exchanged accusations at a regional summit over Saturday's cross-border raid.
Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa attacked Colombian "aggression".
His Colombian counterpart, Alvaro Uribe, defended the operation, saying he had not informed the Ecuadoreans in advance because they had not co-operated in the past in the fight against the Farc.