Murder accused 'heard gunshots'

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A man accused of shooting dead a pregnant woman saw a man running into her flat moments before hearing gunfire, the Old Bailey has heard.

Krystal Hart, 22, was shot on the doorstep of her flat in Battersea, on Good Friday last year.

Thomas Hughes, 40, told jurors a slim Jamaican man "ran inside the door... I heard gun shots and I thought something bad had happened".

Mr Hughes, of Stonells Road, Battersea, denies murder.

Death threats

The court has heard how Miss Hart had been involved in a long-running dispute with "neighbour from hell" Angie Brewer.

Prosecutors have alleged Mr Hughes acted out of misguided loyalty to Miss Brewer.

But Mr Hughes' barrister, Baroness Mallalieu, QC, claimed Miss Brewer was embroiled in a £950 drug dispute with Mr Hughes and had lied to protect a man who had pulled a gun and mistakenly shot Miss Hart.

Giving evidence Mr Hughes said he was embroiled in a row with Miss Brewer when a Jamaican man came out of her flat.

She said she had heavy people connections from her Jamaican family or friends Thomas Hughes

Meanwhile Miss Hart had come down and opened her door.

Mr Hughes said: "The neighbour made a remark to the guy but she was standing inside the doorway and he ran inside the door.

"I heard a bang and then I heard another bang and Angie screaming for help.

"I heard gun shots and I thought something bad had happened so I walked off."

Mr Hughes also said he had heard Miss Brewer making threats about Miss Hart over their dispute.

"She said she had heavy people connections from her Jamaican family or friends.

"She threatened what she was going to do to her neighbour upstairs, Krystal Hart.

"She said the police won't help me but when I get my people she's dead."

The case continues.